- The first visitors: 1993-1995
- Oscar Becerra - Peru
- Ben Walter - The United Kingdom
- Mike Burleigh - The United Kingdom
- John Ost - New Hampshire
- "Balloonin USA" and Kevin Kuehn land in Delmar! - April 1996
- Deniz - Turkey - May 1996 (pictured above)
- November-December 1996
- Prospector Parker - Ocean City, MD
- Delos Johnson - Florida
- Dave Hess (Maryland) and Matt Nelson (Texas) - stationed in Antarctica
- Carmelo Morina - Perugia, Italy - May 2-5, 1997
- Benni the Bear - Iceland - May 9-13, 1997
- Our Russian friends, Olya Malykh and her family, visit Delmar! - September, 1997
- Macia Noorman, KIDLINK keypal from Michigan, comes to Delmar - October 31, 1997
- Liz Exton, our mentor in the UK, visited us in June, 1999!
- Zaheer Kidvai and a team of technology specialists from Pakistan visited Delmar in October, 1999
- Online mentor and well know children's author, Lois Syzmanksi, visited Delmar students on April 28, 2000
- Visitors from Iceland! Hilda and Eygló came to Delmar in March 2001
- Online mentor, Lois Syzmanksi, visited Delmar students again in May 2001!