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You asked for ideas from our teacher training programme. That's
hard because we don't run any in the way you think. In Swedish schools
right now there are a lot of button pressing courses to get teachers to
overcome the problem of handling the machine. The Board of Education has
decided this is not what they want to spend their money on so they bought
the rights for a Wit course which gives teachers the European Computer
license (strange notion eh). Anyway it's a neat programmed course designed
to take a teacher through the initial steps of computing.
For staff training they want money spent on ICT and learning. The project we are running works this way. We have in our area 9 communities small to middle size. Each term we go to these communities and present the problem indicators for ICT and learning as we see them, like change in the production system and requirements for competence, advance of technology, increased existence of technology in homes, expactations from families, business, politicians etc. We run a small show where we show the opportunities and then we challenge the teachers to gather in groups in the schools and think of ways they want to change their school with the help of ICT and submit a small project to us. Then we gather teams with similar ideas in groups and supplie them with a tutor that meet the group five times for workshops designed to help them overcome problems with implementing the ideas. During the weeks between the meetings the groups work on the skills they need to set the process in motion. In that period they are connected to their tutor and can ask questions. The tutor uses the web to help them setting up pages with instructions or hints. So in short we are not running courses but instead fascilitating groups that work with information gathering and processing, web publishing, composing, communications projects or anything that a school feels important.
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Patricia A. Weeg