We Can Make 25 Cents

Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

My second grade students who are 7 years old wanted to write to you today so we did. They are doing math in my Jostens computer lab so they are telling you what we did today. It is all about our money. They have to learn how to write about math facts. Can you do that in your class?

They are learning about our coins. Maybe you will tell us about your money and your coins? They can see the coins because your Mommy gave me some and I have them in a frame on my computer lab wall.

We have dollar bills and these coins:

50 cent piece = 50 cents quarter = 25 cents dime = 10 cents nickel = 5 cents penny = 1 cent

They had to tell me all the ways they can make 25 cents with the various coins. Would you do something like this for us, too? That would be wonderful!

All the best... We hope you will write back.
Love and hugs,

January 3, 1997

Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

I can make 25 cents.

1 quarter = 25 cents
5 pennies + two dimes = 25

Your friend,

January 3, 1997

Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

I can make 25 cents.

Two dimes and one nickel = 25 cents.
One dime and one nickel and ten pennies = 25 cents.

Your friend,

January 3, 1997

Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

I can make 25 cents.

You can use 5 nickels = 25 cents
You can use 25 pennies
3 nickels and 1 dime = 25 cents
2 dimes and 1 nickel = 25 cents

Your friend,

January 3, 1997

Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

I can make 25 cents.
You can use 5 nickels = 25 cents.
You can use two dimes and five pennies to make 25 cents.

Your friend,

January 3, 1997 Dear Gisli Tryggvi,

I can make 25 cents.

five nickels = 25 cents
and I can use 25 pennies

Your friend,

The students sent similar letters to our friends in Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Russia and Florida, USA. Here are the replies they received:

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