grade 3 and Carmelo

As the date approached for Papa Carmelo's arrival, the Delmar students made a chart showing the temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius. They noted the condition of the skies and what clothes we should wear that day. This would help Papa Carmelo decide what clothes he should pack for his trip to Maryland.

Date Fahrenheit Celsius Sky Clothes
April 23 45 degrees 7 degrees cloudy long pants, sweat shirt
April 24 45 degrees 7 degrees cloudy, raining raincoat, boots, long pants, sweat shirt
April 25 45 degrees 7 degrees cloudy jacket
April 26 47 degrees 8 degrees sun sweater
April 27 42 degrees 5 degrees raining raincoat and umbrella
April 28 62 degrees 17 degrees raining umbrella, raincoat

Carmelo visited Delmar Elementary School in May 1997.

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Patti Weeg