Agenda: Apr. 7, 1998
The Internet in Education

Ann and Pat

Sites For Administrators
  1. MSDE - Maryland State Department of Education
  2. AASA Online American Association of School Administrators
  3. NAESP Online National Association of Elementary School Principals
  4. The Impact of Technology
  5. Electronic School
  6. Sites for Administrators
  7. ASCD Web Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Sites For MSPAP
  1. Stephen Decatur Middle School MSPAP Site
  2. Calvert MSPAP Site
  3. A Parents' Guide
  4. The Center For Educational Progress - Caroline County Public Schools
Seat Belts on the Information Superhighway
  1. Understanding, respecting and celebrating cultural differences
  2. Child Safety on the Information Highway
  3. Net Nanny
  4. Surf Watch
  5. Cyber Sitter
  6. Cyber Patrol
  7. Student Network Responsibility Contract - an example
In conclusion...
  1. More about search engines
    1. AltaVista
    2. Yahoo
    3. Metacrawler
    4. Excite
    5. Lycos
    6. Infoseek
    7. All-In-One Search Page
  2. KIDLINK across the Curriculum
  3. AltaVista Translation Service
  4. Searching Through Newsgroups with AltaVista
  5. Webquests - students
  6. Research It! - fantastic!
  7. Global Classroom projects
  8. Sharing project ideas
  9. Clearing mail and mail preferences
  10. Evaluations

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Patricia A. Weeg