Using TapSmart Handshare

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  1. Install TapSmart Handshare on your computer. Find your Palm's "skin" in Handshare.
  2. Sync your Palm and Handshare will then be on your Palm.
When you are ready to display your Palm screen on a large wall screen follow these steps.
  1. Connect a projector to your computer.
  2. Connect your Palm to your computer with the USB cable and turn it on.
  3. Launch TapSmart Handshare on your computer.
  4. Open "Handshare" on your Palm and tap "Activate."
  5. Tap "Home" and you will see your Palm screen on the wall screen.
  6. Place your mouse over the Palm image on your computer and right click your mouse
  7. Select "Scale" then X2. The Palm image on the wall screen will be larger.
  8. Proceed with your lesson and have fun!
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Mrs. Patti Weeg
updated June 4, 2006