Masami's New Year's Greeting Card![]() I made a new year greeting card for you. It was a little bit early to send, but in Japan, we usually send this kind of cards early December. It called NENGA JYO. NENGA JYO will deliver their home at the first day of new year. It is our BIG wonderful time to read those NENGA JYO. This time I wrote A NENGA JYO for you. Please read and let's write the same kind of card for me, please. We also celebrate special food called OZOUNI. It contain OMOCHI, rice cake. We don't get any presents usually at new year. Insted of presents we usually get money for OTOSIDAMA. OZOUNI contains marron cake and some other food. I like marron cake. This called KURI KINTON. KURI means marron. I hope our new year special food wound be all cakes.
from your Japanese friend, PS: Do you understand what we call NENGA JYO and what is it like? Please ask any question about NENGA JYO, new years greeting card. It may be almost the same as your Christmas card. You will be celebrate Christmas most. But we Japanese celebrate this new year's greeting.