Greenfield Girls Primary
Cape Town, South Africa

Interactive Math Websites

  1. Pattern Blocks
  2. Pentominoes
  3. Pentominoes Solver (10X6)
  4. 3D Pentominoes
  5. Unfolding Polyhedra
  6. Polyhedra
  7. Tessellations
  8. Base 10 Blocks
  9. Geometry Center
  10. Tangrams - Flash plugin. A story told with tangrams.
  11. Symmetry
  12. Tangrams - Interactive
  13. Java Applets for Math
  14. Interactive Math - (Geoboard, Tangrams, Pentominoes, graphs, scatterplot, medians, tiling the plane, and more) Utah State University
  15. Play a Mayan Game
  16. Play with an online soroban or abacus
  17. Play with an abacus
  18. Probablility, Statistics, Functions, Fractals and more (stem and leaf plotter, etc.)
  19. Math Forum annotated collection of Java Applets
  20. Math Resources with Java -
  21. Math Java Applications - California State Univeristy, San Bernardino


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Patti Weeg
May 2000