Greetings To Pakistan From Around the World!
|Argentina |
Austria |
Botswana |
Brazil |
Denmark |
Finland |
Iceland |
Iran |
Israel |
Italy |
Japan |
Norway | Peru | Portugal | Russia | South Africa | United Kingdom | USA | Uruguay |
From: Oscar Beccera obecerra@sil.edu.pe Dear Patti: Please give a big hug to all Pakistani teachers, I keep the fondest memories of the days I spent in Lahore with a group of teachers from the Beaconhouse School System, thanks to them again for their hospitality and I hope the conference is a great success. Oscar Becerra
From: Veronica Pereyra veronica@america.edu.pe Hello Patti and friends from Pakistan, My name is Veronica Pereyra. I'm from Lima - Peru. Congratulations for all you there! Enjoy the first national Technology in Education Conference
A big hug from Peru,
From: Cecilia Montes CMONTES@abrahamlincoln.edu.pe How are you friends from Pakistan !! Best regards and congratulations for the conferece that you are organizing.
Kidlink is a great opportunity Kids have to share experiences and learn from each other and their countries. We offer this window where you can find an environment of confidence and respect. Congratulations and best regards PS :I'm sending a picture
Cecilia Montes A.
From: Jaime Silva jaimecs@mat.uc.pt Dear colleagues from Pakistan, I hope you will use the great opportunities offered by Internet to enhance your teaching and broaden the culture of your students, namely with the nice activities of Kidlink. If you want to see something about my university go to http://www.ci.uc.pt/english/wwwucing.htm If you want to see some QuickTime movies of my city go to http://www.regiaocentro.net/qtvr/index.html
Greetings from Coimbra, Portugal, Departamento de Matematica, Universidade de Coimbra,br> NONIUS: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/
From: Nicholay (Phil) Lastovka phil@child.ru Dear colleagues! I'm very happy to send my best wishes to all participants of first national Technology in Education Conference in Islamabad, Pakistan.
With love from Moscow, Russia
From: Masithandane Primary
school liz@barrett.wcape.school.za
Molweni / Greetings to you all in Pakistan.
Our school is in Khayelitsha and school has 3 computers. We are
learning about computers in education with Liz Barrett of Greenfield
Girls' Primary and are going to start doing e-mail projects with our
pupils - we look forward to helping our children learn about the
From: Liz Barrett liz@barrett.wcape.school.za
We are with you in spirit in Pakistan and we hope you all have a wonderful, enriching time together. I wish I could be there to share it all. I look forward to making contact with the schools in Pakistan as we have had no contact from this country before and it would be great to learn more about the people of Pakistan.
Kind Regards
From: Carolynn Bruton Carbru@sfc.wcape.school.za Hello to all the teachers in Pakistan! We know that Patti will facilitate groups to make your computer skills and integrated studies using technology and computers in your homes, your classrooms and in your every day life. We were honoured to have here here in Cape Town a year ago at our annual computer conference. The KIDLINK projects do not require highly sophisticated and advanced software and you will soon find out through Patti how your children, parents and teachers will advance to a Global understanding through "realtime" interaction with international colleagues and friends - through simple e-mail reading, writing and drawing skills. The KIDLINK community has helped me and my children in their community to grow - both technically and globally and we wish you and Patti a wonderful workshop and conference. Here are our children celebrating the Olympics: http://www.sfc.wcape.school.za/Olympics2.htm Celebrating their love of writing: http://www.sfc.wcape.school.za/lunchbun3sfcj.htm Their fondness for Grannies (thank you Patti)! http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/grandmother/southafrica.html and here is a picture of a celebration of one of our school's Catholic traditions - the "Our Lady's Birthday" http://www.sfc.wcape.school.za/scenes.htm
We greet you in three languages:
Best wishes. Web page: http://www.sfc.wcape.school.za
From: Liz Exton Read lizex@cableinet.co.uk Hi Patti, We're folding ourselves as small as we can and then we're going to email ourselves to you in Pakistan. We think it will be the cheapest way to travel:-)
Hugs, Hello friends in Pakistan!! I hope you are enjoying your Technology in Education Conference. I'm writing to you from England, where we are having a sunny day (for a change!). I live in a city called Bristol and my global address is about 2.5 degrees West and 51.5 degrees North. I have been helping Kidlink with the "Who am I?" project for the last two years and have been writing to Mrs Weeg's students in Delmar for even longer. Most of her students like to play sport, so maybe you could explain the rules of cricket to her while she is with you:-) Oh, and tell her about Imran Khan, the famous cricketer who links your country to mine! I went to Delmar last year to meet Mrs Weeg and her students. We all had a great time and I can report first-hand that magical things are happening there in the computer lab. Enjoy yourselves! Liz Exton
From: Lynne Sueoka lynnes@kalama.doe.hawaii.edu
Aloha to all you lucky educators in Pakistan! You get to visit with one of our favorite travelers, both in cyberspace and in the real world!!!! Best wishes from the sunny islands of Hawaii as you meet to find new, exciting, and more meaningful ways to bring the world to your children via technology! Don't forget about us, miles away, but eager to learn from and with you :)
Have a great conference!
From: Beverlyn Ferris NAVEGADORA@aol.com Greetings Pakistan: I teach Spanish at Gorton High School in Yonkers, New York in the United States. For twenty-nine years I have had the pleasure of touching the lives of the many young people who have passed through the doors of my Spanish classroom. I look forward to getting up in the morning and spending the major part of my day with them. In 1998 and 2000 I was named one of the teachers in "Who's Who Among American Teachers." My hobbies are computers, music, literature and crossword puzzles. I have tried to integrate my favorite pastimes with my teaching of the Spanish language, so as to create a multidisciplinary curriculum that would better motivate my students. To achieve this end my students and I have been a part of the Kidlink family for the past six years. We have participated in the many Kidlink projects that Kidlink-Spanish has offered and spoken with many students in Spanish speaking countries through the use of IRC. Thanks to the magic of Kidlink we have been able to travel around the world without leaving our classroom here in Yonkers. The time that we have been a part of Kidlink has been an unforgettable and instructive experience.
Beverlyn Ferris Saludos a Paquistán: Soy profesora de español en el Colegio Gorton en Yonkers, Nueva York en los Estados Unidos. Hace veinte y nueve años que tengo el placer de tocar las vidas de los muchos jóvenes que han pasado por las puertas de mi salón de español. Me encantan levantarme por la mañana y salir a pasar la mayor parte de mi día con ellos. En el año 1998 y 2000 fui nombrada una de los profesores en "Quien es Quien Entre Los Profesores En América." Mis pasatiempos favoritos son las computadoras, la música, la literatura y los crucigramas. He tratado de integrar mis gustos y la enseñanza de español para crear un curículo interdisciplinario para mejor motivar a mis estudiantes. Por eso hace seis años que mis alumnos y yo somos parte de la familia Kidlink. Hemos participado en los muchos proyectos que Kidlink-Spanish nos ha brindado y charlado con varios alumnos en países hispanos através del IRC. Gracias a la magia de Kidlink hemos podido dar una vuelta al mundo sin tener que dejar nuestro salón de español aquí en Yonkers. Nuestra estancia en Kidlink ha sido una experiencia inolvidable e instructiva.
Beverlyn Ferris
From: Dianne Selchert caps@santel.net Wow, Pakistan. Technology is amazing. The world becomes a smaller place. We need to emphasize tolerance to our students, but it makes it so much easier when we can communicate, learn, and just have fun with students from around the world. Greetings from a rural community in South Dakota, USA!
Dianne Selchert
From: Dr. Manorama Talaiver mtalaiver@SMV.ORG A huge NAMASTHE to all teachers in Pakistan. Welcome to the Treasures of Internet realted projects. Looking forward to working with you all in math, science, and technology projects.
Dr. Manorama Talaiver
From: Epi Sepulveda EpiSepulveda@compuserve.com Hello friends from Islamabad, Pakistan! I heard that our dear Patti Weeg is going to visit you shortly. From sunny Puerto Rico I send you a warm greeting and hope to see many of you soon in the internet during our Kidlink Projects.
Bienvenidos desde Puerto Rico!
From: Lely Núñez Coronellely@i.com.uy How are you?? My name is Lely Núñez Coronel and I live in Montevideo, Uruguay, a little country in South America. Here we speak spanish. I'm a primary teacher but now I'm working with secondary students in the informatic lab. I have been participating in the Kidlink family since 1994 and I love to be part of it. I have now a lot of friends for all over the world. Kidlink is a great opportunity for kids to share experiences and learn from each other about their cultures and their countries. Actually I'm coordinating the Kidlink spanish activities. I would like to invite you to join us in any of our projects. My students enjoy participating in all the Kidlink projects. They like very much sharing letters and opinions with their friends very far away geographically but near in their hearts. Best regards and congratulations for the conference that you are organizing and participating from Uruguay!! Cheers. Lely
| |||
|Argentina |
Austria |
Botswana |
Brazil |
Denmark |
Finland |
Iceland |
Iran |
Israel |
Italy |
Japan |