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NECC 2001 Chicago June 25-27, 2001

  1. Kids@work: Math in the Cyberzone: - Kids@work takes basic math concepts and places them in real world contexts. The interactive Web site that accompanies these books provides many opportunities for performance-based activities, inquiry and discovery.

  2. Friends Online: - Friends Online helps students foster global relationships as they build skill knowledge in real world situations. Students interact as they learn about global number systems and counting in other languages.

  3. What's in a Name? Primary students share their names and name meanings. they also make math puzzles using the letters in their names.

  4. Give Me a Smile: - Students learn about money and legends as they learn about missing teeth around the world. Students are able to examine legends around missing teeth as well as global money denominations.

  5. Math Puzzles - a math project where students cleverly write math word problems without numbers for global partners to solve. Many content areas are also included as students do research to create and solve their puzzles.

  6. Gathering weather data with students in South Africa: - Special Education students in South Africa and Maryland exchange daily temperatures. During the project students convert temperatures from one form of measurement to the other, round numbers (degrees in Celsius), and graph weekly temperature readings.

  7. Making graphs with global partners: - First grade students graphed data about their transportation to school. Friends in Japan collaborated with the first grade students.

  8. Grandmother and Me: -In this project, students write text, draw pictures and create collaborative stories about grandmothers.
    • Math activities are woven seamlessly into the "Grandmother and Me" project.

  9. Kidlink Day: - This project provides teachers with an excellent source of journal data for use across many curriculum areas such as social studies, math and writing.

  10. Math Around Us: -This eight month project includes different math topics for each month.

  11. Math Sure Makes Cents: - Title 1 students in grades 1 and 2 explored how many ways they can make 25 cents. They took their math task to their online friends and invited them to tell how they make an equivalent of 25 cents with the coins in their country. Students from Japan, Greece, Lebanon, Iceland and Egypt participated.

  12. Weather Glyph: - Title 1 third grade students gather weather data and make pictorial representations, glyphs, which they compare with friends from Australia, Taiwan and Philippines.

Carla Hurchalla -
Patti Weeg -

Kidlink Friends at NECC 2001 - photos

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Patricia A. Weeg
author: Kids@work: Math in the Cyberzone