Virtual Vacation is the 6th module in Kidlink's Who Am I? Program.
You can go to a place where Edgar Allen Poe was a famous writer in Baltimore, Maryland. He wrote scary stories. He was a very big famous person. This would be a place to go to on a vacation. I would love to see you all come and visit this place. If you come here you would love it here at Baltimore, Maryland. I would love to see you on Vacation. It would be fun to come there.
Your Friend,
Hvide Sande I am 14 years old, I live in Denmark, a little country in Northern Europe. The town I live in is called Hvide Sande, it’s a fishing village at the North See. It’s a small town with only 4000 people, but in the summer time there are tourists all over (most Germans.) Most of the industry depends on the tourists and the fishing. If you want to have fun, you know parties and stuff, then this isn’t a place for you. But if you are interested in fishing or if you like bathe in the See then you should visit our town some time. Hvide Sande’s global address is on the 56° Northern latitude and 8° Eastern longitude. The weather is cold and windy in the winter and if we are lucky it’s hot in the summer. There are 5. Mill.people living in Denmark so now you know what I mean when I say that it’s a little country. Hvide Sande is one of the youngest towns in Denmark, about 70 years. Mette Møller.
Hello everybody, We are working on the project Virtual Vacation, and we have some webpages about our work. We want you to visit us here in Oppdal.. There is much more here than you can se on our webpages. If you came to Oppdal we could show you the bowling hall or maybe to the skilift.. We also have a Curling hall if that maybe interest you.. Love from Joakim, Gry-Anette, Stine Mari, Linda and Sandra