Since 1990 Kidlink has hosted many global projects that meet social studies content standards. Some are listed below.
- Contrasts in India - Two students from Virginia and their parents visited five Indian cities:
Vellore, and
and some villages of India. As they traveled around the area, they captured images using a digital camera and wrote a story to the picture. These stories and pictures described the beauty of India. They focused on the contrast between:
poverty and wealth;
rural and urban;
knowledge and illiteracy;
manufacturing industries and cottage industries.
- Virtual China - Students at Hong Kong International School traveled to China to study
work places,
religion and
of different areas of China.
- Virtual Sumatra -
Students from Saudi Arabia conducted a series of interviews with people they met on their trip to Sumatra in order to better understand the human dimensions of the problems facing Sumatra and the rainforest ecosystem. They also investigated first-hand the consequences of disastrous fires that have caused environmental havoc in the region.
- Wow Macau! - In Macau, students from Hong Kong visited local museums, cemeteries and temples. They participated in recreational activities including hiking and evening programs. They captured their instructional field trip with words and images and shared them with other students around the world.
- My Fellows - The cultural aspects of every nation - which reflects its identity and makes it different from others -
can be portrayed by means of personalities that have influenced the national consciousness and contributed to the settlement of the history associated to every country as well as have made effective a better world. This project encouraged students to share distinguished individuals who are representatives of the culture of their country.
- How People Live in Europe - 8th graders in Israel who were learning European Geography asked their contemporaries (by e-mail) questions about the European countries that they were studying at the time.