Bibliography![]() Articles in print about or referencing Delmar Elementary School's Telecommunication Program
2004 Austin, Jackie., et. al. "Authors 'In Residence' Make Writing Fun!" Learning and Leading With Technology March 2004: 36-39.
1998 Stefansdottir, L. "Kidlink Profiles" Journal of Online Learning, 9(2), 1998, 20-22. Leu, D. and A. El-Hindi. "Exploring Literacy on the Internet" The Reading Teacher, 51(8), 1998 694-699. 1997 Casson, L. and J. Bauman. Making Technology Happen. Southern Technology Council, 1997 1996 Baumann and Flynn. Microcomputers and Information Technology. West Educational Publishing, 1996 (Delmar students are pictured on page 39 in a "Closer Look" at KIDLINK) Mather, M. "Limited Resources, Great Ideas!" Technology and Learning, 16(7), 1996, 30-35. Mather, M. "Home Grown and World Famous: Creating Compelling Online Projects." Technology and Learning, 17(3) 1996, 12-20. Serim, Ferdi and M. Kock. NetLearning: Why Teachers Use the Internet. Sebastopol, CA. O'Reilly, 1996 1995 Armstrong, S. Telecommunications in the Classroom. Palo Alto, CA: Computer Learning Foundation, 1995 Frazier, D. Internet For Kids, San Francisco, CA: Sybex, 1995 Harris, J. "Educational Telecomputing Projects: Information Collections." The Computing Teacher, 22(7), 1995, 44-48. Harris. J. "Educational Telecomputing Projects: Problem-Solving Projects." The Computing Teacher, 22(8), 1995, 59-63. Marsh, M. Everything You Need to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask Kids) About the Information Highway. Palo Alto, CA: Computer Learning Foundation, 1995. Salzman, M. and R. Pondiscio. Kids On-Line. New York, NY: Avon Camelot , 1995 1994 Batterson, D. "Elementary Students Make New Friends With E-Mail." ComputerEdge, August 19, 1994, 14-16. Moulden, R. Kids in Cyberspace. Connect, 2(3), 1994 Owen, T. "SIG/Tel Telecomputing Activity Contest Results for 1994." T.I.E., 5(3), 1994, 4-5. 1993 Burleigh, M. and P. Weeg. "KIDLINK: a challenging and safe place for children across the world." Information Technology, 9(3), 1993, 147-157. de Presno, Odd. "Elevtur over dammen - pr datakommunikasjon." Data Tid, Juli/August 1993, 41-44 (Delmar students are pictured.) "Making Connections With Telecommunications." Technology and Learning, May/June 1993, 33-36. The Salisbury Daily Times newspaper Tuesday supplement, The School Zone, included a column, Kids On-Line, from 1993-1995 (until the supplement discontinued due to lack of funding). The weekly column was started by Patti Weeg and was written by Ann Lawrence from Parkside High School and two students from the United Kingdom. For two years this column reported telecommunication activities of students at Delmar Elementary School, East Salisbury School as well as the United Kingdom.
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Patricia A. Weeg Updated October 6, 2002 |