Hello to ACES II
from across the seas...
| Argentina |
Austria |
Brazil |
Canada |
Denmark |
Greece |
Iceland |
Israel |
Italy |
Special greetings from children's author, Sarah Weeks
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:30:26 -0300 Dear Patti and Hawaian teachers Hello for all. Well, Hawaii is very interesting here for the young people in Mar del PLata, because, here the young people make surf all year. In summer you see the beach with many surfers but... now, in winter, some people are swiming with Neoprene to cover their bodies of cold. Hawaii is the best dream... to this surfers!
Patti, have a wonderful week. ****************************************** Hola para todos. Bueno, Hawaii es muy interesante para los adolescentes y jóvenes de Mar del Plata, porque aca esos jovenes hacen surf todo el año. En verano, se ve la playa con muchos surfistas pero ahora.... en invierno, algunos nadan con Neoprene para cubrir sus cuerpos del frio. Hawaii es el sueño... de estos surfistas!!! Los maestros y los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de usar e-mail y conectarse con otros colegios del mundo. Historias, robotica educativa, saludos... In este caso, nuestros estudiantes estan trabajando en el area de Robotica Educativa con Legos y Mecanos. Ellos hacen juguetes inteligentes y eso es muy excitante para todos. A nosotros nos gusta intercambiar informacion . Nosotros tenemos fotos y textos acerca de Como los juguetes son construidos por los niños. Patti, que tengas una semana maravillosa Abrazos calidos para todos.
Pringles 516 7600 Mar del Plata Tel (0223) 4 894878 Email: calderon@cyber1.cybertech.com.ar ARGENTINA
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 02:18:38 +0200 der gleiche Text mit deutschen Sonderzeichen Liebe Patti, Liebe Lehrer und Lehrerinnen, bei uns beginnen morgen die Sommerferien. Unsere Computerräume werden geschlossen, nur unser Web-Server wird weiterlaufen. In Wien (Hauptstadt von Österreich) ist es derzeit sehr heiß. Ich wünsche Dir Patti und Deinen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern viel Spaß und gutes Gelingen beim Lernen. Alois Vilim
------------------------ dear Patti, hello teachers, Tomorrow our summer holydays will start. We will close our Computer-Labs, turn off the power, but only the Web-Server will do its work for two month. Last week It was very hot in Vienna, (Capital of Austria). I'll wish You Patti and Your Teachers a lot of fun and success with learning. Alois Vilim http://www.fichtnergasse.asn-wien.ac.at
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 14:53:29 -0300
Hi Friends from Hawaii,
I hope you'll enjoy Patti's class. She is wonderful!
I live in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and I visited Hawaii once. I loved it!
The beaches are very simillar compared with the beaches in Brazil. The sand
is fine and very white too but you have bigger sea waves than here.
Hugs and kisses
Dr. Marisa Lucena mwlucena@kidlink.fplf.org.br
From: "Adriana Portella" portella@gbl.com.br
Hello, people from Hawaii! But I am talking from Rio... and we also have fantastic sights here... Well, I hope you'll have a great time there. Any oportunity of sharing knowledge and working together is unique. I wish I could be there and talk a little about WAILA, a program that we are developing here in Brazil. Maybe sometime... Please, tell us about your meeting!!! I would love sharing your thoughts with brazilian taechers. We are able of helping if you need it, ok? Just ask. Ah... Learn some words in Portuguese...
Beijocas = small kisses So... Many beijocas for each one, full of carinho and amor! Adri
Adriana Pires Portella
From: "Conta do RubeM Paulo" rupa@zaz.com.br Aloha for you of Hawa!! Aloha para vocs do Hawa!!
How are you?? Congratulations for the new course that you are doing! That Patti gets to pass for you the so much of knowledge that she has!
Hugs directly of Brazil, of the new friend Rubem Paulo
Rubem Paulo Torri Saldanha
From: jaaf@correionet.com.br hello hawaii, Patti has a big responsability: share thoughts about our kids! I hope you have a very nice time!
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 21:46:05 -0700
KIDLINK IS! I did a lot of searching before I joined the Kidlink Society and found that it best served my goals of using telecommunication and it also fit the required timeline for my studies and project-based activities. Because Kidlink is so highly organized with concise deadlines and has moderator's support, it was my first choice. The students loved the opportunity to use email and connect with other schools around the world. The game of Hunt for Famous Explorers was a great challenge for them and they truly enjoyed searching using the new clues each week. We will continue to work with Kidlink and look forward to many new opportunities to be part of Kidlink's online learning community.
See you in September,
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 17:02:41 +0200
Herzliche Gruesse an alle Kollegen in Hawai !!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:59:22 +0200 Hello Patti and Hawaian teachers Best wishes for a good week with a splendid subject on the agenda: Kidlink It does offer great opportunities for kids to communicate across borders and thus better understanding among peoples. In Denmark we have recently made good communicative projects in Danish language. By learning to use Kidlink in their own language we hope that the kids then later will be better participants in international projects. Hav en god uge med mange spændende oplevelser samtaler og diskussioner. Bent Karkov Manager of Kidleader-Dansk
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 99 17:44:11 EET Hello Patti and Hawaiian Teachers, This is Demetre Valaris and Gillian Merchant-Valaris from Athens-Greece wishing you all the best. We are both teachers of English Language and by using KIDLINK we let the children of our school communicate with many interesting places around the world. We have always wanted to see Hawaii, so who knows, maybe one day we will be able to visit your nice island. Best Regards Demetre and Gillian Valaris Hi Patti, We just came back from a short holiday up in mountain Olympus (the mountain where the ancient Greek Gods once lived, well this is what Greek Mythology says anyway!)
e-mail for Demetre Valaris: sv1uy@bbs.sv1uy.ampr.org
From: eyglob@ismennt.is Hello Patty and all the teachers on Aces99!! I send you my warmest greetings here from Akureyri,Iceland where me and Hilda are working on a project as a part of our IT-study at the Teachers University in Iceland. Last weekend we, some Kidlinkers in Iceland, gathered here in Akureyri for a meeting. We had a wonderful weekend here, where we looked over what had been done last year and discussed what we want to do next schoolyear. We had a marvellouse time all together.(the way only Kidlinker can have-you know!! ;-) To night, I will drive to my "summer-villa" here in the neighbourhood and spend the next 5 weeks here relaxing and enjoying the beautiful Icelandic summer here in the North.
Cheers to you all!!
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 21:26:40 +0100 Hallo! I am happy to be able to send you a greeding from Iceland. Nice to see how your are working! I will send you a picture from one of our glacier which is specially beautiful on sunny days! http://www.glacier.is/finalmyndir/jokull2.jpg Those of us who like to spend our holiday here like to have it in July which is only month with real summer. Now it is very warm- 23°C sunny and fine :-) But this is just for a few days, sooooo I am not having this longer!
Bless :-)
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 12:36:51 +0200 (IST)
Shalom from Sde-Boker, Israel
Dear friends from Hawaii, welcome to the cyberland of endless
We are in the Negev desert in southern Israel and love the Cyberspace
because we can meet there incredible people.
This http://environment.negev.k12.il/desert/desert.htm is how our place
looks like. you may even see some of our students working there.
You can also see some pictures in the "Virtual album on the Negev", at
The headers are in Hebrew, just try and see what is what - there are:
settlements, industry, people, plants, animals, historical sites, landscapes
and environmental sculpturing...
Good luck on your study and hopefully we will meet "on the air" one day
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 11:09:40 +0200 (MDT)
Hello there,
I'm Isa Bellocchi and I teach English in Cavriago , Reggio Emilia in the
North of Italy. I enjoyed very much the opportunity to use Internet this
year, because we had a great experience with the Kidlink and then a lot of
penpals in the USA and Australia. My students could open different Web pages
and learn a lot about other cultures and countries. The activities chosen were:
THEM WERE TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:32:30 +0900
Dear Patti,
I was very glad to get your welcome.
I will translate from English to Japanese and introduce your message
to our parents and kid next activities time.
I have to inform about Kidlink.
It is a safety place we can put real name here.
Once again,
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:21:25 +0900
I know well you in Hawaii are so active using inernet for education.
Last year I also watched your activities from Japan.
And fortunately I met one of teachers in Hawaii seminor who came to Japan
in August.
What will happen this year, I'm very much curious to konw about your
activities with Patti.
If you want to get any help about learning Japan, please werite to me.
And of course I hope to make bridges between Hawaii and Japan on KIDLINK.
Have nice days with Patti!
Isamu from Japan
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 19:41:18 +0200
Greetings from Arendal, Norway - where Kidlink started some 9 years ago....
Take care......
So long,
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 16:40:01 +0500
Asalam Alaikum everyone,
Patti will tell you what this means! I wish I could have come along too and
been a part of this wonderful workshop I know Patti will do for you.
A friend Zaheer and I recently went along to this school to run a workshop
on using the Internet as part of the curriculum... guess what? There was no
electricity that day in that area, so after talking alternatively for about
60 minutes we had to promise to come another day!!!
Using E-mail and Internet as a tool for delivery of the curriculm is an
amazing experience. The children get totally involved and learn
independently and isn't that just what we want for our kids, that they
learn how to learn and we can open up a whole new way and world for them.
Other countries, customs, time zones come alive as they make friends and
communicate with others around the globe. Language skills are enhanced as
they learn to communicate and oh its just wonderful.
For teachers too its great. Sharing innovative ideas, lesson plans children
working on joint projects the list is endless.
Have a great time, Khuda Hafiz (May God be with you) and ALOHA
From: Oscar Becerra br1beo@pe.ibm.com
Hola amigos de Hawaii, Hello friends in Hawaii:
Warm regards,
Lima, Peru
From: carolynn@bruton.wcape.school.za (Carolynn Bruton)
Hello fellow cybernet-teachers and learners
You are so privileged to have such a wonderful team with Patti.
I'm sure that you are going to enjoy your on-line projects as much as I have
enjoyed having a preview of the quality of programmes Patti and her Aces
team have prepared for you. The programme is full of wonderful ideas to
keep you and your learners stimulated for years to come.
A word or two from my city to your country:
On behalf of our 125 year old school Springfield Convent Junior
School nestled beneath the towering Table Mountain and in the
heart of Cape Town, the beautiful city next to Table Bay at the
southern-most tip of Africa we greet you in three languages:
English: Hello fellow teachers!
Best of luck
Carolynn Bruton
Springfield Convent Junior School
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 21:19:27 +0100
Hello friends in Hawaii!
My name is Liz and I live in Bristol, England. I'm writing this at 20:45 on
Thursday night. I think that's 8:45 a.m. Thursday morning in Hawaii, so I'm
half a world away and half a day in front of you;) I'm sure if you tune in
to KIDIRC at lunchtime (your time) on New Year's Eve, you'll probably be
able to hear me reporting from the new Millennium!
I hope you are enjoying Patti's course. Did she show you her new math book?
It's great and .... I'm in it! (URL goes here, Patti) Kids@work: Math in the Cyberzone I'm so proud! I used
to hate math when I was in school, so it's a pleasure for me to help get
this generation of kids to like it a bit better;)
I went to Delmar last month to meet Patti and her students. We all had a
great time and I can report first-hand that magical things are happening
there in the computer lab.
Bye for now,
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 20:38:39 -0300
Hola amigos en Hawai!
Mi nombre es Lely y vivo en Montevideo, Uruguay.
Espero que esten disfrutando de su curso con Patti. Ella es una muy
bella persona.
He estado participando en Kidlink desde hace mucho tiempo y he sido
afortunada de poder encontrar personas tan magnificas como Patti,
quienes dan un nuevo significado a las Comunicaciones en Educacion
transformandolas en una actividad placentera para involucrarse.
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:48:08 -0400
Greetings from hot, dry New England, home of water and power shortages.
Hope you are doing much better in Hawaii.
(retired after 56 years in this business)
From: "The Hoffman's" fezlo@teleport.com
Aloha from the Central Oregon Coast! We've been quietly on the Kidlink listserv for the past year after getting involved in Keiko's departure to Iceland. We have been involved in the Whale Project and connected with the kids in Keiko's new home in the Westman Islands. Here's our homepage and a link to Keiko! Have a fun workshop, and write us back!
Doug Hoffman NMS
Newport Middle School
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:09:13 -0500
Dear Patti, Lynne, and teachers,
Have a wonderful week :-)
Warm regards,
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 22:33:39 +0000
Dear Teachers in Hawaii,
Welcome to KIDLINK....the biggest online "family" devoted to
fostering relations and developing lifelong friendships between kids
and adults. You have one of the best instructors there is to teach
you the ropes and know Patti will make you wish the class could go on
and on.
I live in the state of Washington and am wishing we could have just
a little of your sun sometime this summer. They are still snowskiing
up on Mt. Ranier! I have been with KIDLINK since 1993. I was anxious
and afraid to try many areas of KIDLINK but everyone so was helpful
that I just had to ask when I got "stuck" and answers and instructions
were given.
Good luck in learning all about KIDLINK. You will find it will add a whole new dimension to your classes as well as to your lives.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:47:34 -0400
Saludos desde Puerto Rico!
Greetings from sunny Puerto Rico to sunny Hawaii!
Welcome to Kidlink!
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Patti Weeg pweeg@shore.intercom.net The Global Classroom July 1999 |