Meaningful, engaged learning I can do this. Nope, not ready yet.
1. Offer a "hook" that piques student curiosity and let that curiosity lead to more inquiry

2. Guide students as they set their own learning goals within your local performance standards.

3. Offer authentic tasks and encourage students to develop their own.

4. Allow students to choose among tasks.

5. Involve a real audience and useful purpose for tasks.

6. Allow interactive instruction and support co-construction of knowledge.

7. Allow collaboration and multiple perspectives.

8. Encourage flexible heterogeneous grouping.

9. Give students the freedom to explore new ideas.

10. Allow students to develop products of real use.

11. Allow time for long term projects.

12. Facilitate student work across content areas when completing tasks or solving problems.

13. Accept the role of facilitator, guide and co-learner rather than dispenser of all knowledge.

14. Allow students to develop assessment and standards for tasks - the rubrics.

15. Incorporate ongoing assessment as part instruction.

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Patti Weeg
The Global Classroom
July 1999