Place Value
- Hundreds, Tens, Units
- Place Value Funbrain (eBeam)
- Place Value - set the numbers from 999,999 (eBeam)
- Place Value manipulatives (teacher directed) (eBeam)
- Base Blocks place value to thousands (eBeam)
- Rounding Flashcards
- Comparing numbers AAAMath(eBeam)
- Number lines - make number lines and numeric patterns, teacher directed (eBeam)
- Even and Odd AAAMath (eBeam)
- Odd numbers Ghost Blasters (eBeam)
- Even numbers Ghost Blasters (eBeam)
- Function Machine for grades 3 and 4
- Function Machine National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Function Machine
- Function Machine from
- Function Machine for grades 3 and 4
- Function Machine National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Money - make and recognize amounts
- bills - 1, 5, 10, 20, 50; values to over $200 (eBeam)
- user selects amount of coins and bills; box for dollars and box for cents
- Interactive Money sites
- Counting Money - Harcourt
- Money Program - (eBeam)
- Money Drills for primary classrooms. Students drag the correct amount of coins into the piggy bank.
- Money Central Station
- Exact Change, Please - Students purchase items with the exact amount of bills and coins.
- The Change Maker
- Money - make and recognize amounts
- Money - user selects amount of coins and bills; box for dollars and box for cents
Addition and Subtraction
- Ambelweb Addition Machine - two digits
- Ambelweb Subtraction Machine - two digits
- Estimation - MacMillan/McGraw Hill (eBeam)
- Missing Numbers - fill in the missing number in the addition sentence
- Large clock - great for elapsed time
- Time - 2 clocks - elapsed time activity
Telling Time - to 5 minutes
Telling Time
- to half hour and one shows elapsed time
- Telling Time
- analog and digital, hour and half hour
Telling Time - timed matching game, hour and half hour
- Time - to the quarter hour
- Telling Time - to 5 minutes
Telling Time - teacher directed, students set the time
Telling Time
- identifying time to the hour; students can set time to 5 minutes
Data and Graphing
- Pictographs and Bar graphs - Saxon Math (eBeam)
- Create a pictograph
- Line Plots - boxes with raisins
- students read the story and build a bar graph, answer questions
- Moon Maths Basic X facts 2-9 (eBeam)
- Table Mountain
- Ambelweb Tables Tester - three levels
- Flash cards (+, -, x, /) shows arrays, 3 levels, practice and game mode. (eBeam)
Arrays - Make problems or see new problems. Factors are 1-9
- Robot calculator - basic multiplication and division with 3 levels (eBeam)
- Factorgram prime factors (eBeam)
- Sum Sense - single digit, move numbers to complete the problem. (eBeam)
- Division Machine - three levels, basic facts
- Space Shuttle Launch - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 3 levels (eBeam)
- The Ruler Game - measures to the 16th of ab inch (eBeam)
- Reading a thermometer
- Measuring cylinder
- Measuring scale
- Scales reader
- Customary Measurement, a matching game
- Measuring Metric
- Customary Units of Length
- Customary Units of Capacity and Weight
- Measure It! funbrain, three levels, customary and metric (eBeam)
- Equivalent units of measure - game
- Flips, slides and turns
- Measuring Angles
- Unfolding
- Polyhedra
- Tessellations
- Geometry Center
- Ladybug Make a rectangle
- Name the geometric figure -
- Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Equivalent Fractions
- Fractions Tony Fraction Pizza Game
- Fraction Bars
- Identify Fractions - students see a circle on the screen with X amount of equal pieces colored in. They type the numerator and denominator for the fraction.
- Pizza Party - How much pizza is left? Identifying fractions
- Fresh Baked Fractions - identifying equivalent fractions
- Fraction Track - Helps students understand the relative size of fractions by moving markers along a game board.
- Integer (or Cuisenaire) Rods
- Why Can't I Win?
- What Are My Chances?
- Chances are.. weather
- Rounding Flashcards
- Rounding numbers to the nearest 100
- Round Off
- Round About
Place Value
- Place Value Funbrain (eBeam)
- Place Value - set the numbers from 999,999 (eBeam)
- Place Value manipulatives (teacher directed) (eBeam)
- Base Blocks place value to thousands (eBeam)
- Comparing numbers AAAMath(eBeam)
- Number lines - make number lines and numeric patterns, teacher directed (eBeam)
- Making line plots
Function Machine
- Function Machine - from
- Function Machine for grades 3 and 4
- Function machine - uses numbers and letters for patterns
- Function Machine National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Money - make and recognize amounts
- Adding money - lines up the amounts for addition
- Interactive Money sites
- Counting Money - Harcourt
- Money Program - (eBeam)
- Money Drills for primary classrooms. Students drag the correct amount of coins into the piggy bank.
- Money Central Station
- Exact Change, Please - Students purchase items with the exact amount of bills and coins.
- The Change Maker
- Money - make and recognize amounts
- Money - user selects amount of coins and bills; box for dollars and box for cents
Addition and Subtraction
- Ambelweb Addition Machine - two digits
- Ambelweb Subtraction Machine - two digits
- Estimation - MacMillan/McGraw Hill (eBeam)
- Missing Numbers - fill in the missing number in the addition sentence
- Rounding Flashcards
- rounding
- Estimation
- Large clock - great for elapsed time
- Time - 2 clocks - elapsed time activity
Telling Time - to 5 minutes
Telling Time
- to half hour and one shows elapsed time
- Telling Time
- analog and digital, hour and half hour
Telling Time - timed matching game, hour and half hour
- Time - to the quarter hour
- Telling Time - to 5 minutes
Telling Time - teacher directed, students set the time
Telling Time
- identifying time to the hour; students can set time to 5 minutes
Median, Mode, Range
- Data Mean, median, mode and range
- Data Handling Mode, Median, Mean
Coordinate Points
- Coordinate points I
- Coordinate Points II
- Coordinates Game
- Graph Gremlins
- Create a Graph
- Interpreting Data
- students read the story and build a bar graph, answer questions
- audio site, build and answer questions about picture graphs;
- parts of bar graphs, answer questions
- answer questions about picture graphs
- Stem and Leaf plotter
- Making line plots
Multiplication and Division
- Multiplication - draggable numbers
- Division Machine - three levels
- Ambelweb Tables Tester - three levels
Divisibility Rules
- Divisibilty - rules are listed on the screen
- Divisibility - problems but no rules visible
- Reading a thermometer
- Measuring cylinder
- Measuring scale
- Scales reader
- Customary Measurement, a matching game
- Measuring Metric
- Customary Units of Length
- Customary Units of Capacity and Weight
- Identifying angles
- Area and Perimeter
- Fence me in
- Flips, slides and turns
- Measuring Angles
- Unfolding
- Polyhedra
- Tessellations
- Geometry Center
- Ladybug Make a rectangle
- Name the geometric figure -
Results of Motion
- Rotations
- Reflections
- Transformations
- Flips, slides and turns
- Fractions
- proper fractions on a number line
- mixed numbers on a number line
- Comparing Fractions
- Adding Fractions - like denominators
- Subtracting Fractions - like denominators
- Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Equivalent Fractions
- Fractions Tony Fraction Pizza Game
- Fraction Bars
- Identify Fractions - students see a circle on the screen with X amount of equal pieces colored in. They type the numerator and denominator for the fraction.
- Pizza Party - How much pizza is left? Identifying fractions
- Fresh Baked Fractions - identifying equivalent fractions
- Fraction Track - Helps students understand the relative size of fractions by moving markers along a game board.
- Integer (or Cuisenaire) Rods
- adding decimals two decimal digits
- Tenths and Hundredths
- Ordering decimals
- Probability - lesson with explanation and interactivity
- Basic Spinner
- Virtual Dice
Place Value
- Place Value Pirates
- Ordering decimals
- Ordering decimals
- Decimals on a number line
- Place value of decimals AAA Math
- Ordering decimals
- Interactive Place Value Charts includes decimals
- Decimal Cruncher +, -, X, / decimals
- Really Big Numbers read and write
- Place Value Funbrain (eBeam)
- Place Value - set the numbers from 999,999 (eBeam)
- Place Value manipulatives (teacher directed) (eBeam)
- Base Blocks place value to thousands (eBeam)
- Comparing numbers AAAMath(eBeam)
- Number lines - make number lines and numeric patterns, teacher directed (eBeam)
Function Machine
- Function Machine from
- Function Machine for grades 5 and 6
- Function Machine for grades 3 and 4
- Function Machine National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Count US coins teacher directed
- up to $3; must enter decimal point for values
- bills - 1, 5, 10, 20, 50; values to over $200
- user selects amount of coins and bills; box for dollars and box for cents
- Interactive Money sites
- Counting Money - Harcourt
- Money Program - (eBeam)
- Money Drills for primary classrooms. Students drag the correct amount of coins into the piggy bank.
- Money Central Station
- Exact Change, Please - Students purchase items with the exact amount of bills and coins.
- The Change Maker
- Money - make and recognize amounts
- Money - user selects amount of coins and bills; box for dollars and box for cents
- Rounding Flashcards
- Estimation on number lines
- rounding
- Estimation
Addition and Subtraction
- Draggable subtraction - drag numbers to a grid
- Draggable addition
- drag numners to a grid
Multiplication and Division
- Multiplication - draggable numbers
- Division Machine - three levels
- Ambelweb Tables Tester - three levels
- Graph Gremlins
- Create a Graph
- Interpreting Data
- students read the story and build a bar graph, answer questions
- audio site, build and answer questions about picture graphs;
- parts of bar graphs, answer questions
- answer questions about picture graphs
- Stem and Leaf plotter
- Making line plots
Median, Mode, Range
- Data Mean, median, mode and range
- Data Handling Mode, Median, Mean
- Fractions - parts of a whole
- Fraction pieces - teacher directed
- proper fractions on a number line
- mixed numbers on a number line
- Comparing Fractions
- Adding Fractions - like denominators
- Subtracting Fractions - like denominators
- Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Equivalent Fractions
- Fractions Tony Fraction Pizza Game
- Fraction Bars
- Identify Fractions - students see a circle on the screen with X amount of equal pieces colored in. They type the numerator and denominator for the fraction.
- Pizza Party - How much pizza is left? Identifying fractions
- Fresh Baked Fractions - identifying equivalent fractions
- Fraction Track - Helps students understand the relative size of fractions by moving markers along a game board.
- Integer (or Cuisenaire) Rods
- Ruler Game 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 of an inch.
- Units of measure - reading and estimating (metric)
- Area and Perimeter
- Measuring in centimeters
- Measuring in inches to the nearest half inch
- Measuring - various level of difficulty from
- Find the area and perimeter of rectangles
- Temperature Quiz - from the BBC
- Interactive Examples of NCTM Standards - excellent for all grades!
- Illuminations from NCTM
- Interactive Math -
(Geoboard, Tangrams, Pentominoes, graphs, scatterplot, medians, tiling the plane, and more) Utah State University
- Make your dream house!
- Perimeter Explorer - Students give the perimeter of random shapes on a grid.
- Area Explorer - Students give the area of random shapes on a grid.
- Shape Explorer - Students give the perimeter and area of random shapes on a grid.
- Fence me in
- Teaching Measures - length, mass and capacity
- Reading a thermometer
- Measuring cylinder
- Measuring scale
- Scales reader
- Customary Measurement, a matching game
- Measuring Metric
- Customary Units of Length
- Customary Units of Capacity and Weight
- Flips, slides and turns
- Measuring Angles
- Identifying angles
- Unfolding
- Polyhedra
- Tessellations
- Geometry Center
- Ladybug Make a rectangle
- Name the geometric figure -
- Tangrams - Flash plugin. A story told with tangrams.
- Tangrams
- Interactive
- Tangrams - NCTM
- Symmetry
- Pentominoes
- Pentominoes
Solver (10X6)
- 3D
- Probability - lesson with explanation and interactivity
- Basic Spinner
- Virtual Dice