2. Tick the place that is NOT a "World Heritage Site" (A World Heritage Site is an area that has outstanding natural or cultural value and is therefore worthy of protection) a) Robben Island b) Drakensberg Park c) The Greater St Lucia Wetland Park d) The Kruger National Park
3. Which of the following endangered animals or plants is NOT indigenous to southern Africa: (indigenous means "living or occurring naturally, origninating there") a) cycad b) lion c) elephant d) platypus
4. Tick the person who is NOT an important South African a) Thabo Nbeki b) Nelson Mandela c) Pope John Paul II d) Mark Shuttleworth
5. Cape Town is in the province of a) Western Cape b) Mpumalanga c) Eastern Cape d) Gauteng
6. Tick the famous building which is NOT in Cape Town: a) Groote Schuur b) The Union Buildings c) Cape Town Castle d) Houses of Parliament
7. Which phrase is NOT true: a) The western Cape province is famous for its wine-making b) The Kruger National Park is a park for preserving the big five whale species. c) Bartholomew Diaz originated the term "Cape of Good Hope" d) The penguins at Boulder's Beach near Simons Town are endangered
8. Which of these kinds of houses are NOT found in South Africa: a) Teepee b) Ndebele house c) Cape Dutch style house d) Zulu hut
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Mrs. Patti Weeg pweeg@comcast.net www.globalclassroom.orgupdated April 16, 2005