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Resources for ECELL 2001 Projects
| Activism
| Express Yourself | Oceans |
Passport |
Puppetry |
|Robots | Science Through Technology | Sports Heroes |
Activism Workshop: Exploring Community Social Issues
From ECELL 2000 - "Video Journalism" [Instructors: Ben Meyer and Tee Swan] |
Express Yourself (Civil Rights Era Through Music)
Here is a website called "Civil Rights Resources for Kids"...
This page is titled "History in Song"....
Soul/Funk and Civil Rights: You might want to have the students compare the music of the Civil Rights Era to the music stemming from apartheid... I have several friends in South Africa who might be resources for you. www.talkingleaves.com/articles/message.html From Marsha Rogers:
History in Song provides the lyrics to songs from various areas. It includes songs from the founding of the US through the '60's and race relations.
A webquest on songs of revolution, protest, and solidarity
Theodore Bikel
Singers in Mississippi
Peter, Paul and Mary lyrics. These will download as zip files. When unzipped you will have words and chords.
PBS site on Poland and the struggle for freedom. Check out the Freedom Songs link in the site.
TNT Learning Educators Guide for the TV show "Freedom Song". Includes complete lesson plans.
There are several books and videos available on Freedom Songs in many countries. The following is a link to one of the videos. Almost every country that has seen a struggle for freedom has a list of freedom songs. Try a search using the country name and "freedom songs." |
Who Let the Robots Out?
Robotics: "At Your Command" Control your own ROV:
Design Your Own Robot Interactive:
The Tech Museum of Innovation:
Real Robots on the Web:
Robotic Arm Control: |
Exploring Science Through Technology
From Ellen:
A "Build a Bridge" interactive website:
PHYSICS BALSA BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST: (lots of good links for bridge
Science Enrichment Program:
Bridge Designer: (interactive)
Interactive page: "Force on a Wing"
This activity provides a very basic simulation of the force on an airplane
Try Science: (Robotics, airplanes and more)
Engineer It!
Design a Space Station: (interactive) |
Cultural Folktales Through Puppetry
The Children's Museum of Minneapolis: "Lights, Puppets, Action!" Create your own multimedia production! You're in charge of the characters, the story, the set, the music, and the choreography! Once your production is ready for opening night, invite your friends and family to come see it online! http://www.childrensmuseum.org/artsworkshop/index2a.html http://www.cln.org/themes/puppetry.html "The World of Puppets" which has these links:
From Cody:
This is a shareware on one for $50: From Marsha Rogers:
The following site has information on Bunraku from Japan and puppets in
Indonesia and Bali
Shadow Puppet definitions Bunraku www.sagecraft.com/puppetry/definitions/Bunraku.hist.html
Making a hand puppet For information, puppetry was a form of theatre in the 1700's in Italy and England, Punch and Judy were favorite characters in England who developed their personalities from Punchinello in Italy. You might have to get to a library to find information on these. Try looking in Theatre history books.
Different kinds of puppets and how to make them
United National Children's Fund Puppets is not a construction site, but a
location that gives ideas for the use of puppets
Constructing different types of puppets |
Oceans [tide pools]
From Kathy:
From Dr. Luis Pinto:
From Ellen:
From Mitzie:
SeaWeb Resources in Your Area
SeaWeb Links - (You won’t believe how many!)
Reef Relief
Reef Relief - (Live Web Cam)
A list of links about tide pools:
Life in a Massachusetts Tide Pool:
My Tide Pool! My Home! (Tide Pool project) Many resources given...
Let's Visit the Tide Pools:
Save the Tidepools: From Marsha Rogers:
Provides some nice information. High school level.
A good source for elementary schools:
Tidepools in California. Where to go and how to behave. Tidepool scavenger hunt. It has some nice links for the questions asked. www.coastside.net/cunha/treulich/marine.ht
A ThinkQuest Junior entry. A gold medal winner prepared by middle school students on tidepools.
Probably your best starting point would be the NOAA Coral Health and Monitoring Program. There are many links at the site that can be followed for information about reefs around the world. There is a listserve available at the NOAA site that you can receive in digest form if you want. Under the Popular link there are maps of reefs around the world.
Hawai'i Coral Reef Network provides information about the ecology, listservs, reefs, projects, references, fishes relating to the reefs around Hawaii.
The Fish Eye View Cam refreshed every 30 seconds at Coral Gables, Florida and operates dawn to dusk daily (that's US east coast time).
Photos from Philippine coral reefs
Gander Academy has an Ecosystems theme and the Oceans section covers a series topics all relating to oceans. It is a good site to gain a basic understanding about oceans in general.
Sea World Education Department provides information online about reefs:
The information at the World Resources Institute page on Oceans is interesting, but the "Internet Resources" found at the left of the page may prove to be more valuable.
A digital lab on observing a coral reef.
Oceanography -
A source for academic research worldwide:
Lesson plan on coral reefs
National Geographic on the Great Barrier Reef. Nice site, but needs Flash to operate and it is slow loading. There are a large number of lesson plans available at I would suggest you use the keywords "coral reef" and click on grades 6-12. You will come up with a long list of lesson plans. There are so many there that it would take pages to list them. |
Virtual Interviews of Sports Heroes
From a ThinkQuest Jr. site titled: "Uncover the Mystery of History" | 1900's | 1910's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's | |
Our Passport to the World
Popular Culture and the Media - a three-lesson unit (grades 9-12) designed to introduce students to the concept of popular culture and the role that it plays in their lives.
International Teen Trends: (Lesson plan)
Lesson on Youth Culture - Fashion and Food |
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