Mrs. Tardiff's P.M. Kindergarten Students Get Help in the Lab
Many thanks to science teacher, Mr. Jim Lingo, who brought Mrs. Taylor's homeroom (during science class) to the computer lab to help the P.M. kindergarten class type their letters to Danni. This is a real example of students helping students and teachers working together. Well done, team!

The 5th graders were excited to meet the younger students in the computer lab and help them write letters to Danni. You can see the students lending a hand and having fun in the pictures above.

Dear Danni,

I liked the books that were in you box.I love you Danni!

In Love,
Helped by 5th graders - Eric and Jason

Dear Danni,

I miss you :-) I liked your tape with the carols on it!!

Helped by 5th grader - Lauren

Dear Danni,

I liked the things that were in the box. I liked the dollars that were in your box. I liked the candy. I had fun at the party. Did you like the bears that people brought in? I liked the stories that were in your box.

Helped by 5th grader - Machenzie

Dear Danni,

I liked all your things. I miss you very much. I love you. My favorite thing in the box was the shades.

Helped by 5th graders - Kyle and Mindi

I liked Danni's Brazilian money. I also liked Danni's soccer jerseys. I liked Danni's cleats. I liked Danni's police badge.I also liked the piece of wood.

Helped by 5th graders - Justin and Myles

Dear Danni,

I miss you. Dear Danni I like your sunglasses!! And I like your football shoes and soccer uniform. Danni guess what I like chocolate candy, do you? And I really like you too!!

Keep it chillin,
Helped by 5th graders - Kody and Darren

Dear Danni Bear,

We miss you! We enjoyed looking at all the things in your box. I was at the party with you. I brought my bear named honey for you to meet. Do you remember Honey?

Helped by 5th grader - Danielle

Dear Danni,

I think you are the greatest! :) :) :) I wish you could come back to my school! I miss you a lot. I think your clothes are cute. My favorite item from your box was the money. I thought it was neat to see a flag from another country. [I live in the US :) :)] Your shoes were cute too. I love you Danni!!!!!!!

Helped by 5th grader - Alex

Dear Danni,

I enjoyed having you in my class. I liked the book called "The Hare and the Tortoise." It was my favorite item in the box. I have a teddy bear that looks just like you!

Helped by 5th grader - Stephanie

Dear Danni,

I enjoyed you visiting my classroom. I liked your hat. Thank you for coming. I also liked your shoes and outfit. I hope you come again. Have fun in the other places you visit. You're my favorite friend. I miss you.

Your friend,
Helped by 5th grader - Bethany

Dear Danni,

I miss you and all of the exciting things in your box. I think the candy in your box was pretty neat. I hope to see you again.

Helped by 5th grader - Jon

Dear Danni,

I like your boots! I liked your hat too. I will miss you when you're gone from Delmar!

Helped by 5th grader - Lindsey

Dear Danni,

I love you. I wish you could come back to us at Delmar Elementary. I really like some of your stuff. Some of the stuff I liked was your soccer jersey, your sunglasses and your shoes.

Your Friend,
Helped by 5th grader - David

Dear Danni,

I wish Danni could come back to Delmar. I wanted to bring my 10 puppies and 11 including the mom to see Danni.

Helped by 5th grader - Cameron

Dear Danni,

I had fun at the party. Thanks! I hope you liked my puppy. I hope you liked my cookies. I had fun.

Your friends,
Helped by 5th graders - Alicia and Whitney


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Patti Weeg
May 9, 2000