How do students join Kidlink?
Students are required to answer the 4 Kidlink questions. Directions are on the webpage. Once your students answer these questions they can begin to participate in any Kidlink projects. They will have a login and password once they answer the 4 Kidlink questions. This login will give them access to Kidlink IRC and KidSpace. KidSpace is the place where most of our projects take place. Students and teachers can post their own webpages in KidSpace. E-mail is another way to participate in Kidlink projects. It is sent to the list address for the selected project. In a Kidproj project the e-mail address is: To send to this mailing list one must be subscribed to the list. You can do that here: Subscribe to a Kidlink list. Kidlink youth participants should visit the Kidlink Youth Pages and look for a project or activity that seems appealing. Sample Activities from the Youth Page: