1. What is Authors in Residence?
  2. Why use a non-traditional approach?
  3. Delmar's author program
  4. How to design your author program

We would like to express our gratitude to our two talented and dedicated children's authors, Lois Szymanski and Sarah Weeks, for three fantastic years of online mentoring with our students at Delmar Elementary. They are wonderful!

Betty Ryall and Patti Weeg

Conference Photos

Authors in Residence: links to our yearly programs
|Sarah Weeks 1999-2000 | Sarah Weeks 2000-2001 | Sarah Weeks 2001-2002 |
Lois Szymanski 1999-2000 | Lois Szymanski 2000-2001 | Lois Szymanski 2001-2002 |

Authors in Residence Online prepared by Betty Ryall and Patti Weeg
for the National Title 1 Conference - Tampa, Florida: January 24-26, 2002
| Authors in Residence | Elementary Math Students in the CyberZone |

January 2002