The number of states in the USA
Subtract the number of letters in the alphabet
Times how many original colors
Add how many days in a week
Subracted by the number of letters in my name
Add how many hours in a day
Then to finally get my secret number subtract how many
stripes are on a USA flag
Now that you know my secret number please send me one!!
Karine replies:
solution: 51 - 26 x 4 + 7 - 15 + 24 - 7=109
(we haven't an original colors ?!)
Math Problems
My number is the number of legs on a spider times the number of letters in my name. Subtract the number of chambers in the heart. Subtract the numbers of all of your fingers. Add the legs of a tripod. Subtract the number of legs you have then subtract the number of arms you have. You have now figured out the number (the age of Prospecter Parker) . You have my magic number. Please send me one.
Karine replies:
solution: 6 x 15 - 4 - 10 + 3 - 2 - 2= 75
Math Problem
My name is Dean. I am the number of planets and the
number of wheels on a bike. If you fingered out the answer
to my problem you would find out my age.
A Friend,
solution: 9 + 2 = 11
to all 5th grade!
take the 1st letter of:
stephanie, it's a math puzzle for you.
1- percentage of water on the earth
this is my number!!!!
1-the year when Columbus discovered America
welcome to lebanon DEAN
here is a math puzzle
1- number of month in the year
Puzzle image at the top of this page kindness of our Mr. D!
Karine replies:
1-an animal who lives in australia.
2-juicy fruit .
an................a day keeps the doctor away.
3-an animal with long ears.
4-mass of ice in the sea.
5-opposit of south
6-we hold a rabbit by his.............. .
write me an answer.
2- subtract: number of letter in CHEWING-GUM
3- add of: sides in the hexagone
4- times of: pens in 12 dozens
5- subtract: number of month of the year
hi !!!!! melissa
2-times of: the colors of lebanese flag
3-subtract: stars in the U.S.A's flag
this is my secret number!!!
2- add of : the legs of ant
3- subtract: colors of the lebanese flag
4- times of: height of BAALBECK column
5- subtract: percentage of land on the earth.
find my number !!!!!!!
and write me!!!!
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