The ideal AHS student customarily demonstrates the skills, dispositions and knowledge to use the internet as an effective communication tool (for disseminating, gathering, formatting and interpreting information).
Performance Criteria
- Participates in the discusion and decision-making on implementing classroom netiquette policy.
- Adopts netiquette as a standard operating procedure in all electronic communications and computer use.
- Uses the "Learn One Teach One strategy" to collaborate in skill development instruction.
- Understands and uses basic e-mail.
- Develops Maintains a log or journal of internet use that evaluates sites visited.
- Learns & uses basic file capture and transfer routines in communications.
Actively learning.
Students routinely send/retrieve messages/files, design formats to collect data & process and interpret data. |
Dimensions of Learning
- Attitudes: Order Acceptance, Comfort
- A: Declarative: Verifying, Integrating. B Prodecural: Modeling, Shaping Internalizing
- Extend & Refine: Comparing, Classifying, Supporting, Abstracting
- Meaningful Use of Knowledge: Decision-making, Investigating, Problem Solving
- Habits of Mind: Self-regulation, Critical thinking
Copies of documents in current use by Aiea High School covering internet use and access.
- BOE Internet Policy. adopted 9/95.
- AHS Library Internet Policy. revised 8/98
- AHS Library Internet Policy.
- AHS Internet Access Permission Form.
Home Assignments
The sources sited below contain links to helpful web pages.
- Guidelines for Using the Internet. Develop profile of a netizen.
- Using e-mail on the Internet. Create a 4 item survey on any topic and conduct survey by e-mail.
- Keeping an internet activity log Ideas for developing a web site visitation log, evaluate site, based on topical search.
- Using FTP Capturing the flag of a "New" country. Define what a "new country" is. (i.e. Bosnia-Herzegovina), or design your own challenge.