June 16, '97 Dear Miss Liz, Hi my name is Devin how old are you? I'm 13, and what's it like in your country? In my country I have a lot of bad things here to do.
Your friend,
Dear Devin, It's very nice in Holland. There are no hills and there is a lot of water. There are pretty canals in the middle of town and you can go for boat rides. I think everyone has some bad things to do sometimes. Today I have to do the dishes ;-(
best wishes, 6-16-97 Dear Miss Liz, Hi my name is Antonio and I'm 12 years old. In Salisbury, Md summer is great. I like to go swimming during summer. I also like to go fishing. I woud like to know about your country soon. Antonio
Dear Antonio, I like to go swimming in the summer too. We go to the seaside on the train. There is a very nice, sandy beach quite near here. I've never been fishing. Is it fun? In summer I like to ride my bike and go to the park. Most days I have to go to work, but my friends at work are very nice and we have fun.
Best wishes,
June 16, 1997 Dear Miss Liz, I have a mom-mom who is sick. She died at Christmas. I am 8 years old. I play baseball and my brother plays baseball, too. Tell me about Holland. Kenneth
Dear Kenneth, I am sorry to hear about your mom-mom. I live in a flat in Amsterdam, Holland. My husband and our cat, Snowy, live there too. Do you have any pets?
best wishes,
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I don't have any pets. What did you have for lunch? I just had my breakfast. When I get home from school today, I am going to play outside with my friends. It is warm here right now 60 degrees f, I just learned that it is 18 degrees in your temperature. Are lots of tulips blooming now? Kenneth
Dear Kenneth, I had museli for breakfast and cheese and corned-beef sandwiches and fruit for lunch. I don't know what I'll have for dinner - a pizza maybe. It's about 22 degrees here, just about right for a weekday. I like it better when it's very hot at weekends. There were lots of tulips in May, but they're mostly over now. A flat is an appartment. English people call normal appartments flats. We save a grand word like appartment for luxury appartments.
best wishes,
Dear Mrs. Liz, I would like to know what the seaside is. Does the beach have lots of crabs and sea shells? What is your job like and what does the park look like? Do where you live at? Is there a lot of violence? And thanks for the letter.
From: your pal,
Dear Antonio, The seaside is what British people call the coast or the beach. The beaches in Holland don't have a lot of crabs, because there aren't any rocks for them to live in. The beaches are very long and sandy. My job's fun and I work with nice people, but I don't get paid enough ;-) The park in Amsterdam has lots of different things. Sometimes there are free concerts. There is a little farm with cows and donkeys and other animals. There is also a flock of wild parrots. They escaped from people's houses and now they live in the wild. There isn't very much violence here. Dutch people have the idea that if you have a problem with someone you can usually sort it out by talking. Thanks for writing,
your pal,
Dear Liz Hello how are you doing? Well I don't wish for cold weather. It's the way the temperature is. Miss Liz where do you work at and what's your age? The work I do is babysitting I get about $200.00 dollars every year. On my birthday I'm going to have a big party. I will be big 13 Ya Ya Ya! Anyway, could you like tell me what your weather is? Well I have to go.
Write Back Soon
Dear Terrian, Today it is rainy. The temperature is about 16 degrees Celsius, or 62 degrees Fahrenheit if you prefer. Do you put your babysitting money in the bank? You can save up for things that way because the bank pays you extra money (called interest) for keeping your money with them.
your friend, Dear Liz, Hi, I'm Kelli. I am from Salisbury, Maryland. The climate is usually in the winter 20 degrees F to 40 degrees F. In the summer is usally 95 degrees F. I live in an ocean community and we have a country lifestyle. Some of the movies I lke are "101 Dalmations" which is rated "G." Another movie I like is "Casper" which is rated "G" also. My favorite kind of music is Dance and Romance. My favorite foods are pizza, "heros" but in English we call them subs, macoroni and cheese. I love pets. I have 7 cats and 3 dogs 2 hermit crabs and 18 fish. It's like living in a zoo.
Write Back,
Hi Kelli, I live in Amsterdam, Holland (5 degrees East, 52.5 North). In the winter it sometimes gets very cold (minus 11C!) but in the summer it doesn't get too hot. Sometimes it gets as hot as 35C (80F) but only for a few days. Today the temperature is about 16C (62F). We are about half an hour from the coast. The sea is called the North Sea, and it's totally different from the ocean. I'm from England originally and we have an Atlantic coast, an Irish sea coast and a North Sea coast.
Best wishes,
Dear Miss Liz, Around where I live the main foods are crabs, shrimp, fish, oysters, and scallops. I have never eaten an oyster or a scallop. We also eat lobsters but they're not very big. I mainly like to read and write. Now I am reading a book called "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. I think he is French but he may be Spanish I'm really not sure. I will check and write back to you. It's a really good book. It's about many different animals that live in different places and come to be friends by walking one day and have different experiences meeting each other. I'm not finished yet but that's what I have read so far. I think it's a very good book and if you like to read books that are fiction you might like to read this book sometime if you get a chance. Sometimes if I'm not reading I like to listen to the radio but other times I'm helping to watch my brother or help make dinner.
Please write back
Many thanks to Mr. Bob, our friend in the United Kingdom, for the link to "The Wind in the Willows" site. - Patti Hi Cheryl, I've read "The Wind in the Willows"! It's the one about Mr. Rat and Mr. Mole, isn't it? Kenneth Grahame is English, like me. Have you read "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkein? I think you'd probably like it too. I just love to read when I've got the time. Right now I'm reading a book about the circus. I love going to the circus!
best wishes, [another Hobbit link]
Hi Miss Liz, My name is Shakia. I live in Salisbury, Maryland. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My favorite things to do are to play sega, listen to music like rap. My favorite song is "4 page letter" by Aaliah. My favorite foods are pizza, hot dogs, crabs, lobsters, fish, fried potatoes, and chitlins. Chitlins are a Southern food. My favorite sports are soccer, tennis, basketball, valleyball, and deck tennis. I am 11 going on 12 in December. As you may know I am a female, my hair color is reddish brown, my eyes are brown, and I am African American. I am 5'4" my weight is around 90. My country lifestyle is kind of fun. The closest ocean is the Atlantic. Here in the summer it is 95 degrees to 100 degrees F. Tell me some of the the things you like to do!!! Shakia
Shakia, The closest sea to here is the North Sea. It's not as wild as the ocean and it's a bit polluted, but you can still swim in it. The coast is about half an hour from here and in the summer it's nice to get the train to the beach after work. The beach the train goes to is called Zandvoort. There's a formula 1 racing track there too. The weather here has been really strange today. There was a hail storm earlier! It's supposed to be summer and around 28C, but it's probably around 20C and very changeable. Write soon and tell me about chitlins! Liz Liz later sent me URL's for the Hobbit and chitlins. Thanks, Liz!
Liz sent the children her voice in a sound file and they love it.
Patti, It doesn't look as if I'm going to get any photos scanned just yet, so I thought I'd put together a guided tour of Amsterdam. All these pages are in English and have plenty of pics.
I hope you enjoy it, Guided Tour of Amsterdam First, to get you in the mood, look at these photos Then we'll go on a little trip round some of the places I've told you about (and some I haven't!)
Patricia A. Weeg pweeg@shore.intercom.net Return to Global Classroom Search The Global Classroom |