Hi Liz! I heard your voice on the Internet. You sound fantastic. Can you tell me about your city? Are the tulips blossoming? I did not know that you were 40 years old. Not to be mean but you're getting up there. Your girl,
I'm glad you liked the voicemail. I'll try and do another one soon. The tulips are more or less over now. Tulip-time is in April and May. There are still plenty of flowers around. Dutch people really love flowers. They are one of Holland's biggest exports.
your friend,
Dear Liz Hello again. Well I heard your voice. It sounded fantastic. I don't sound anything like that just to let you know. Could you tell me a little about your city. Well my country is a little bad. We got a lot of drugs down here but none of my family do drugs. Well I have to go. Write back.
Your Friend,
Hi Terrian, I'm glad you liked the voice-mail. I have a friend called Bob, who is from New York. I guess you sound a bit like him. We have drugs here too. The Dutch government has a drugs policy which is a bit different from other countries. Instead of putting junkies in prison they try and re-educate them so that they don't want to be junkies any more. I'm glad none of your family do drugs. I think it's a really dumb thing to do. Sometimes in the morning I see junkies at the station. I don't think I'd like to end up like that. I'm glad the government is helping them to get their lives together. Mostly Amsterdam's very nice. There are plenty of things to do. There's a lot of night-life and museums, like there are in most big cities. You can get out into the countryside in about 15 minutes and you can be at the coast in half an hour. Everyone here (except me!) does a lot of sport. Most people have a bike and they don't use cars sas much as other people. I live in the centre of the city and I don't have a car at all. If we need a car we just rent one, but you soon get used to not having one. A lot of people (like me) do their shopping by bike. Write soon,
your friend,