Professional Reading
- AASA Online - American Association of School Administrators
- American School Board Journal - education magazine with topics covering "school governance and management, policy making, student achievement, and the art of school leadership."
- Articles by Alan November - Educational Renaissance Planners
- ASCD Web - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. "ASCD's mission is to forge covenants in teaching and learning
for the success of all learners."
- Education Week on the Web - an online newspaper for American education. "...the place on the World Wide Web for people interested in education reform, schools, and the policies that guide them."
- Educational Leadership - "Educational Leadership is the official publication of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development... is known for its theme issues on current educational trends."
- Educational Technology Review - provides a forum for exchange of ideas that "...should result in the
growth of ideas and practical solutions which can
contribute toward the improvement of education
through information technology
- Educause Review - "...explores the changing ways we will work, learn, and
communicate in the digital world of the 21st century."
- Electronic School - "Electronic School is published
quarterly as a print and online supplement to
American School Board Journal, in
cooperation with the Institute for the Transfer of Technology to Education (ITTE), a program
of the National School Boards Association."
- From Now On - The Educational Technology Journal published by Jamie McKenzie
- Institute for the Transfer
of Technology to Education - "designed to help advance the wise use of technology in public education"
- Journal of Technology Education - published in the Spring and Fall. "The Journal of Technology Education provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education."
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education - "
JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge
about the use of information technology in teacher
education. Journal content covers preservice and inservice
teacher education, graduate programs in areas such as
curriculum and instruction, educational administration, staff
development instructional technology, and educational
- Learning and Leading with Technology - published by ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) *"Integrating Technology: Some Things You Should
Know" By Laurie B. Dias
- NAESP Online - National Association of Elementary School Principals
- National School Boards Association - "Excellence and equity in public education through school board leadership"
- New Horizons For Learning Quarterly Online Journal published by "An international network of people, programs, and products
dedicated to successful, innovative learning."
- News From Around the World - The Michigan Electronic Library
- On-line Journals in Education - a resource from Hong Kong Polytechnic University listing many online journals
- Rethinking Schools - "an urban educational journal...firmly committed to equity and to the vision that public education is central to
the creation of a humane, caring, multiracial
democracy. While writing for a broad audience,
Rethinking Schools emphasizes problems facing
urban schools, particularly issues of race."
- School Administrator - Publication of the American Association of School Administrators
- Sites for Administrators
- T.H.E. Journal - Technology Horizons in Education
- The Internet TESL Journal - for teachers of English as a Second Language
- The Technology Source- "The purpose of The Technology Source is
to provide thoughtful, illuminating articles
that will assist educators as they face the
challenge of integrating information
technology tools into teaching and into
managing educational organizations."
- WWW4Teachers webzine - "For teachers powering learning with technology"