Hearts and Broken Bones

Heather and Ashleigh have questions

Dear Mr. D,

Hi!!! How are you? We are fine. This is Heather and Ashleigh.

Heather: If a bone breaks near the heart could the bone fall on the heart and injur the heart or cut it? If it a bone did fall on the heart and cut or injur would that person have to have surgery?

Ashleigh: If a bone fell and it hit the pacemaker what would happen ? Could the bone make the pacemaker fall and then that would effect the persons body ?

Back to Heather: My grade were all A's and B's on my Report Card. I don't know what the word for right is. I will have to look it up but I cannot do that know because I am writing to you in my classroom.

Now back to Ashleigh: I am so excited we are now talking about our pizza party. We will get our pizza from Delmar Pizza we will have soda and other snacks. Well, we have to go.

Your Keypals,

P.S. Write back soon

Dear A & H:

Heather: If a bone breaks near the heart could the bone fall on the heart and injur the heart or cut it? If it a bone did fall on the heart and cut or injur would that person have to have surgery?

When bones, such as ribs, are broken they do not "fall" and, in most cases, they do not even break in two. In cases where the bone is completely broken and penetrates the heart, if the person survives (not likely) surgery would have to be performed. Anything that penetrates the lower chambers of the heart will, most likely, cause sudden death. This is because the trauma to the muscle will cause the electrical activity to become "disorganized" and the pump will not be able to contract (squeeze).

The nice thing about how the body is put together is how "protected" all the really important stuff is. The brain is enclosed in a dome of bone and cushioned in fluid, the heart is near the center of the chest and is protected by the rib cage and large areas of muscle. You get the idea.

Ashleigh: If a bone fell and it hit the pacemaker what would happen ? Could the bone make the pacemaker fall and then that would effect the persons body ?

The pacemaker is protected in a nice little pocket. A bone penetrating the pocket would not affect the pacemaker operation, in most cases. The pacemaker will not fall. Can't happen.

Back to Heather: My grade were all A's and B's on my Report Card. I don't know what the word for right is. I will have to look it up but I cannot do that know because I am writing to you in my classroom.

Congratulations on the great report card.

Now back to Ashleigh: I am so excited we are now talking about our pizza party. We will get our pizza from Delmar Pizza we will have soda and other snacks. Well, we have to go.

Yum! Save some for me.

Here is an interesting tidbit for you. Do you know that the heart normally "points" toward the left side of the body? In some people, however, the heart points toward the right side. When this happens the patient is said to have "dextrocardia." I wonder why they call it that.

Your KeyPal,
Mr. D
Delos Johnson


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