![]() Greetings from KIDLINK friends around the world! |
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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:10:10 +0200 (MDT) Hello there, from the kidlink family in Cavriago, Italy!!! We still thank Patty and Liz for the important cooperation through all the year round! My students enjoy partecipating in every projects you suggest and we hope to go on this school year which is starting very soon!! HUGS from Italy ...ISA
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:34:47 +0900
Patti and to all, Four years ago, We had a nice cooperations with schools in Cape Town. At that time we had a big impact. We can work together between Japan and SA through Internet! I want to share this woderful exprience to kid in the world. Times flies like an arrow. I have retired Shimizu Kokusdai H,S at the end of March and now working as a volunteer of a Internet class for kid from 7 to 12 year old in my town. Our theme is Communication for picturers. Our working together room is always open for you. Plese join to us! I am very happy I can introduce you one of our our cooperation 1996 between SA and Japan again here. We also wish you watch our activities. http://www.iceberg.org/~iyanagi/cape/1996.html We wish you the conference success! Thank you,
The Earth Club Coodinator
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:47:17 +0900 I'm very happy to write to you for a greeting from Japan. My name is Isamu Shimazaki and am working as a manager of Japanese kidlink. As you know our students don't know any English. So I use graphics to communicate with foreign students. This way is so helpful for us. You'll see our Bridges wwwboard at http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/Bridges/wwwboard/ of course we have Japanese one, if some of you are learning Japanese, please visit at http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/Bridges/japan/wwwboard/ We are welcome to communicate using English and Japanese. Isamu Shimazaki from Japan.
From: "dusanka" dusanka@morm.gov.mk Dear Patti and the teachers from South Africa, Hello and welcome to the Kidlink Society. Me and my Macedonian colleagues wish you a great time sharing the knowledge and working. Don't hesitate to ask for help, just ask. Zdravo - it's hello on Macedonian.
Best wishes to all of you,
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 18:30:13 +0200 Subject: Greetings to friends collegues in South Africa Hello, Cape Town.... I send you my greetings from Arendal, a small city in the south of Norway.... Some 9 years ago, Kidlink started here... and has grown ever since.... I am happy to welcome you in our global family.... I hope you'll find as many friends in Kidlink as I have.... from all over the world... Good luck with your speech, Patti........ Take care......
So long,
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:23:40 +0200 "Hello friends in South Africa! Teachers from your country have been using Kidlink's services for seven years, and it seems high time for you to meet our Claus Berg and Patti Weeg face-to-face. I am very glad that this is now happening. Now, that I have this short opportunity to talk, I'd like to present two challenges that might interest you: (1) Kidlink is owned by The Kidlink Society, which has personal members from all over the world. Directors are regularly elected to represent each part of the world, Africa being on of them. I'd like to invite interested persons to become members of the Kidlink Society. Details at http://www.kidlink.org/english/general/facts.html (2) I know that South Africa is a country of many, many languages and cultures. One of Kidlink's ambitions includes helping to protect languages and cultures. This is done in several ways: (a) by giving your language a "place in the sun." See Kidlink's top page to understand what I mean http://www.kidlink.org (b) by including your language and culture in the Who-Am-I? program. This also provides a programmed way of exchanges with other languages and cultures. The contents of this program are explained at http://www.kidlink.org/kie/nls/teacher.html If you want to consider pursuing this challenge, see http://www.kidlink.org/english/general/language.html for further information. Good luck, and have a great meeting! Thanks,
Odd de Presno
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 11:23:40 +0500 Hello, to ALL of you at the South Africa workshop!
Asalam Alaikum, Many warm wishes from Karachi, Pakistan. I just know you are going to have a wonderful time; with Patti I doubt it could be anything else. She and I are cyber-friends, (we have not met in the conventional sense and yet have shared an extraordinary amount of ourselves with each other) and the caring and energy that comes through the Internet is truly amazing. Let me introduce myself. I am Mahenaz and I work at a teachers' centre, we call it TRC (Teachers' Resource Centre) and we work with teachers from public and private sector schools, running workshops and developing teaching-learning materials for use in class. We focus on early childhood and primary education. Unfortunately, I don't have direct access to children and cannot make decisions for schools to use technology as a tool for delivery of the curriculum. Wish I did ;-) However, being so excited by it myself, I worked with some girls from a project school in the public sector (extremely poorly resourced)who "talked" to some of Patti's girls in 1997 and I saw excitement like I've never seen it before. It was truly a *WOW* experience... for them and me too. :-) Maybe Patti will tell you about it. What do we really want for our children? We do want learning to become REAL for them, to enable them to get on without us, to be self reliant, yet to be there to support them when needed... and e-mail and global classrooms can do just that; if we as teachers learn to let go a bit... ;-) Teaching reading/writing skills, concepts such as night and day, time zones become meaningful as they communicate with friends across the globe. It is so rewarding when you see their precious faces light up with understanding. I also had the privilege of being part of a group that planned a workshop Patti did in Hawaii. It was a fascinating journey through several lands, languages and cultures, so diverse and so stimulating partly because of the diversity... and the most beautiful part is that the communication "happened" WITHOUT any barriers... unfortunately, we are all familiar with these :-( We spoke one common language and had, no, HAVE one common goal; making children's learning experiences meaningfu, giving them a purpose for their writing and bringing more excitment to their learning. So teachers too can learn from a global community of teachers by sharing ideas, concerns even lesson plans!! So good luck on this journey!! If I can help along the way, if any of you wish to write, I'll be there with a reply.
Have a great time, Khuda Hafiz mahenaz
From: Veronica Pereyra veronica@america.edu.pe Dear Patty and ...Hello, Teachers in Cape Town!! My name is Veronica Pereyra, I work at Colegio America in Callao - Peru (South America). Congratulations for all of you for having this incredible experience.
From: Oscar Becerra br1beo@pe.ibm.com Hello from Lima, Perú, South America, enjoy your conference
Oscar Becerra
From: Jose Serruto jserruto@lab01.copebrit.edu.pe Saludos para todos los amigos de Sud Africa y en especial para ti querida Patty, Desde Perú, lugar que tuvo la alegría de ser sede del encuentro Anual de Kidlink, reciban cálidos saludos. Aquí en el Colegio Peruano Británico Lima-Perú, nos felicitamos de participar en Kidlink desde hace 2 años y sobre todo de conocer (personalmente) a personas como Patty y Claus, quienes siempre están dispuestos a apoyarte en este fascinante mundo de la educación sin barreras ni fronteras. Es muy gratificante para nosotros poder descubrir cada día algo nuevo en Kidlink, y sobre todo saber que se puede conocer personas como ustedes. Disfrútenlo!
José Serruto
From: "Nicholay (Phil) Lastovka" phil@child.msk.su
==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Best regards and wishes from Moscow, Russia!
as ever,
=-=-=-=-=-=-= {Team FirstClass} =-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: "CAROLYNN BRUTON" Carbru@sfc.wcape.school.za Welcome to you Patti from all of us at Springfield Convent Junior School. We are excited and overjoyed to be meeting you at last as you have been a co-ordinator and mediator for so many internet and e-mail projects and ideas and have guided us from afar with care and kindness. We hope that you will have a chance to share our love of our beautiful country and that you will take back some long-lasting memories.
Best wishes,
From: "David Donat" ddonat@pie.xtec.es Hola Patti, hola amics, Hello Patty, hello friends, Sóc en David Donat, de Barcelona, Catalunya. Sóc professor de Tecnologia a l' IES Carles Riba. Us agradaria visitar el meu institut? This is David Donat, from Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain). I am a teacher of Technology at "IES Carles Riba" (Secondary School, 12-18 years old boys and girls). Would you like to visit my Institute? http://www.xtec.es/centres/a8013381/index.htm Formo part de Kidlink des del juliol de 1999, així que no puc parlar de la meva experiència en aquest llistat. Encara no. No obstant, estic segur que ens ajudarà molt i ens donarà moltes oportunitats a tots nosaltres, no només a nivell professional sinó també personal. El món se'ns torna global (que no vol dir pas petit) i les distàncies físiques ja no són són tan importants com la diversitat cultural dels habitants d'una mateixa ciutat. Podem utilitzar internet per a connectar amb tothom. I am a Kidlinker since July 1999, so I can not talk about my experience in this list. Not yet. However, I am sure it will be very helpful and will give many opportunities to all of us, not only professionally but also personally. The world is becoming global to us (not just small) and now physical distances are not as significant as cultural diversity between persons who are living in the same city. We can use internet to connect with everybody. Espero que disfruteu d'internet. I hope you will enjoy internet.
Una abraçada.
From: "Stellan Kinberg" stellan.kinberg@netg.se Hello We had young South African teachers here in our school in Goteborg, Sweden this last school year. They came from Kimberley. It was very intresting to talk with them to hear about their country, see photos from South Africa and here about their life and work. I talked with them and told them about Kidlink and how they maybe could create some kind of Kidlink houses to give the poor kids and families opportunities to share their experiences to the world. They planned to buy some hardware in Cape Town on their way back to Kimberley. I hope they succeeded and that they will soon get on line. My best greetings to all of you in South Africa from the south of Sweden.
Stellan Kinberg http://welcome.to/lovgardesskolan
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 15:52:21 -0700 I hope you're all enjoying the conference. I'm writing to you from England, where we are having a sunny day (for a change!). I live in a city called Bristol and my global address is about 2.5 degrees West and 51.5 degrees North. What is yours? Can you find me on the map? I think we go into the Millennium an hour ahead of you because we're just a little further west. We are going to have lots of celebrations when the Millennium finally gets here. What's going to happen in South Africa? They've built a Dome in London for the celebrations and we're going to have the world's biggest Ferris Wheel too! This is the kind of letter I write to the students at Patti Weeg's school. I went to visit them this summer and we had a great time. Before the trip they prepared me for American money and I took a fistful of English coins with me for them to have a look at. It was fun comparing them, working out how much each one was worth. They thought the rugby ball on the £2 coin was an American football though! Enjoy the conference! Liz Exton
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 19:47:30 -0700 Greetings to the teachers that will be attending the "Millennium Minds" conference. I have been using the net with students for the last five or six years. Many times when I could not "Make things work!" I found answers from Kidlinkers, both young and old. You are very fortunate to have the expertise of Patti at your conference. Best Wishes for a fulfilling conference. May the information you gain be passed on to many more students. - Ken
Ken Henson
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 10:21:05 -1000 (HST) Aloha, I am a fifth grade teacher in Hawaii and had the pleasure of being in Patti's workshop this past July (and last July). I hope you will enjoy Patti's presentation as much as I have. Because of Patti's friends and suggestions, my class will have e-pals in Greece, England, Japan, Puerto Rico, and the United States (Texas, New York, Massachusetts). If you would like to visit my school, come to: http://www.hern.hawaii.edu/hern97/AES/ I hope as you read this you realize we're on the opposite side of the world, but we're as close as the keyboard. For me, that's what the new millennium has in store.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 15:57:31 -1000 (HST) Aloha from Hawaii to the Millenium Minds... We here in the sleepy sugar plantation town of Aiea send you best wishes for a very productive session...and we *know* it can't help but be an *awesome* session since you are in the able hands of Patti Weeg :) The human network has been such a source of inspiration for the "millenium minds" of Hawaii--teachers and children alike and we welcome all of you to share in that very special human network built by people like Patti... Come visit us online if you get the chance... http://kalama.doe.hawaii.edu/hern97/AES/
Lynne Sueoka
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 22:00:13 -1000 (HST) Aloha to Educators in Cape Town, From Hawaii, Aloha. I am sure that you will enjoy and learn with Patti, a truly inspiring teacher. She has won the hearts of our teachers and students and has contributed much to creating global connections and friendships. I am a program specialist at Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, a non-profit educational organization servicing all of the Pacific Region: Hawaii, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Yap), Republics of the Marshall Islands and Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam. Have a great conference and goodluck as you explore with "Millennium Minds." Ellen
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:11:11 -0400 Greetings from Maryland...... Patti's home state, but not her hometown....... She makes us proud :-) You will enjoy working with Patti. She has so many wonderful ideas! And she makes it easy for you to learn. I remember the first time I heard her speak at a local convention..... She must have felt the fire coming from my eyes as she lit the "Internet and Lifelong Learning" flames inside of me....... And you have a very strong leader in Carolyn Bruton, also. She has "walked the walk" by doing projects on the Internet. She was very quick to jump in and extend a project my students were involved in a couple of years ago on Kidwriters. She had her students write stories to accompany our Oil Spill mystery on Kidwriters. My students only had time to very quickly respond to hers before they moved on to their summer vacation...... but they felt like real editors when evaluating her students stories. So, with two such wonderful leaders...... you will definitely have "Millenium Minds" by the time you are finished! Enjoy! Barb Co-author "Scribes Online" http://www.beaumont-publishing.co.uk/books/scribes
From: Olya Malykh Tais232@aol.com Dear teachers of South Africa, My name is Olya. I came to U.S. from Russia about two years ago. One of the advantages for my family moving here is the opportunity for me and my brother to get an American education. I have noticed that people here are so motivated, that they constantly improve their environment, and the educational system in particular. The education is more interactive now than it was ever before. If it used to be similar to monarchy before, now it is more like a democracy in the sense that teachers and students have a friendly relationship instead of a ruling-obeying one. That is why clever people have characterized the modern educational process with three 'Xs': eXploration, eXpression, and eXchange. Those are the eXcellent eXamples of interactivity: children explore the world of knowledge together, they communicate by expressing their ideas, and they share what they've learned in an exchange process. These actions seem to be eXtremely eXciting to me, since they illustrate an independent and a very effective way for children to get intelligent. The teacher is still important, but he is not the king of the classroom anymore. He is a part of the learning group, a regular member with equal rights. His guidance is crucial but is totally non-obtrusive. This thought is extracted from the idea that children should 'long for the sea of knowledge' themselves. This picture is still somewhat rare in schools, but it is so perspective, that there is no doubt it will have a big future. I wish good luck to all the teachers who wish to further improve the educational system, and I hope you will have all the support that you need. Best wishes, Olya
From: Beverlyn Ferris NAVEGADORA@aol.com To Our Friends in South Africa: It is a pleasure to send you greetings from the Kidlink family in New York, in the United States. School is about to begin here in Yonkers, New York and students will soon begin another year of cultural exchanges via the Internet and e-mail with their counterparts in the vast Kidlink world. My students and I are always eager to learn about kids in other parts of the world. I hope to see you on line in the near future so that we may begin to learn from each other. Here is a virtual vacation to New York that three of my Spanish students created. http://www.kidlink.org/spanish/wai/vacacion/nuevayork.html
Beverlyn Ferris A Nuestros Amigos en la Africa del Sur: Es un placer mandarles saludos de la familia Kidlink en Nueva York en los Estados Unidos. Está por comenzar la escuela aquí en Yonkers, Nueva York y dentro de poco los estudiantes empezarán otro año de intercambios culturales a través de la Internet y el correo electrónico con sus compañeros en el mundo grande de Kidlink. Mis estudiantes y yo siempre tenemos muchas ganas de aprender de niños en todo el mundo. Espero verlos pronto en la Internet para que podamos aprender el uno al otro. Beverlyn
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:17:29 -0500 Hello to the teachers of Cape Town, South Africa from the students and staff of Northwest Primary School in Hereford, TX USA. We are building of students k through 3. We live in a community of about 15,000 and is farm and ranch and cattle feedyard country. We are very flat and do not have a lot of trees. We have , most of the time, beautiful sunsets and sunrises and you can really see them off on the horizon.
Wanda Nall
From: "Barbara Hunter" behunter@teacher.esc4.com Hello teachers! I have know Patti for years and you are sooooo lucky to have her with you! As an educator, I hope you listen and look with all ears and an open mind. There are an infinite number of ways to incorporate technology into a truly global education, in all senses of the word global. I learn more ways on a weekly basis. But, do not become overwhelmed. Commit to trying at least one new idea a month (and I promise that soon you will be trying new things more often.....and finding the time to do it! :-) I hope to see many of you involved in KIDLINK activities in the future!
Warm regards,
Barbers Hill Intermediate
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:44:04 -0400 Hello teachers of Cape Town. My name is Barbara Maggi and I'm a former teacher from Virginia Beach, Virginia (USA). At the present time I work for both Hampton University and NASA LaRC as the Assistant Outreach Director for the PICASSO-CENA project. When our satellite launches in 2003, technology will allow us to include numerous schools worldwide in data collection related to the atmosphere. Prior to 2003, we're planning numerous outreach projects for teachers and students. I hope that you will take a look at our web site and plan to join us for some of our collaborative global projects related to the enviroment. We plan to have something for students of all ages. If you're interested in particpating in any of our projects please feel free to contact me through e-mail. As you can see I'm enthusiastic about the possabilites available to teachers and students through the Internet. I love to meet new people so write to me just to say hello. You never know when you or one of your students will have an idea for a new project that we could start together. Have a great conference and say hello to Patti for me.
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:28:18 -0400 Hello friends! I want to send you my warmest regards from the island of Puerto Rico. It is a small island in the Caribbean Sea. Welcome to Kidlink! Epi
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 00:12:37 -0300 ¡Hola amigos en Sudáfrica! Hello friends in South Africa! Mi nombre es Lely y vivo en Montevideo, Uruguay. ¿Saben donde queda mi país? Busquen un pequeño país en Sudamérica. Soy Maestra de enseñanza primaria, pero ahora estoy trabajando con comunicaciones en tres colegios. Los estudiantes adoran la oportunidad de usar correo electrónico y conectarse con otros de diferentes partes del mundo. My name is Lely and I live in Montevideo, Uruguay. Do you know where my country is? Search for a little country in South America. I'm a primary teacher, but now I'm working with communications in three colleges. The students love the opportunity to use email and connect with other ones around the world. Espero que esten disfrutando de su curso con Patti. Ella es una muy bella persona y seguramente les encantará. I hope you are enjoying Patti's course. She is a very nice person and surely you'll love her. He estado participando en Kidlink desde hace mucho tiempo y he sido afortunada de poder encontrar personas tan magníficas como Patti, quiénes dan un nuevo significado a las Comunicaciones en Educación transformándolas en una actividad placentera para involucrarse. I've been participating in Kidlink for a long time and I was lucky to meet so wonderful people like Patti, who give to the Communications in Education a new meaning and a bring it to a lovely activity to be involved in.
Kidlink Spanish Manager
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 13:36:52 -0300 Hola participantes de "Millenium Minds" y hermanos sudafricanos: Hello to all the participants in "Millenium Minds" and South African brothers, Desde el Instituto Jean Piaget de Montevideo Uruguay, les enviamos un saludo fraterno y deseamos se unan pronto a Kidlink. From the Jean Piaget Institute in Montevideo, Uruguay, we send you a fraternal greeting and we wish you join Kidlink soon. Dicen los científicos que en tiempos remotos nuestro continente y el vuestro estuvieron unidos, entonces nuestra tierra y la vuestra eran una sola. Scientists say that in ancient times our continent and yours were together, then our land and yours were just one. Son nuestros deseos que lo que la geografía separó, pueda ser unido nuevamente por la tecnología usada al servicio y para beneficio de TODOS los hombres. Our wishes are that what geography separated can be united again by technology, used on service and benefit of ALL human beings. Kidlink es un nuevo paradigma en las relaciones entre los pueblos, contribuyamos a mantener este espacio virtual, donde la amistad, la solidaridad y la alegría son una realidad. Kidlink is a new paradigm in the relationships between towns, let's contribute to keep this virtual space, where friendship, solidarity and happiness are a reality. Allí tienen a Clauss y Patty, dos personas que representan a miles... de diferentes culturas, idiomas, costumbres, tradiciones,unidos a través de Kidlink. Parecemos diferentes, pero que como integrantes de la raza humana, tenemos los mismos sentimientos y deseos de un mundo mejor. There you have Claus and Patti, two people representing thousands... from different cultures, languages, customs, traditions, all united through Kidlink. We look like different, but as human race integrants we have the same feelings and wishes of a better world. Patty y Clauss, esperamos que el intercambio sea muy rico, pues seguramente nos harán partícipes de sus experiencias por Sud Africa. Patti and Claus, we hope you have a rich interchange, then you sure will share with us your experiences in South Africa.
Saludos cordiales, Mirian Gregori
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