![]() Greetings from KIDLINK friends around the world! |
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From: "Liliana" barreiro@marin.esc.edu.ar Hola Patty !!! Soy Liliana Barreiro, de Buenos Aires , Argentina. Pertenezco a un colegio religioso católico de la Capital Federal. Es un colegio muy grande con niños de 2 a 17 años Envio saludos a todos los asistentes a la conferencia de Cape Town. Hi Patty!!!! This is Liliana Barreiro, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I belong to a Catholic school located in Capital Federal. It's a big school with children from 2 to 17. I send my greetings to the people in Cape Town's Conference.
Liliana Barreiro Colegio
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 14:34:56 -0300 Dear teachers from CAPE TOWN, I started my work as a writer of Literature for Children in the 1970´s with paper and pen as only materials available. As year went by, they were replaced by the typewriter (1976), the electronic typewriter (1980) and eventually the computer (1986). But it was only with the advent of Internet, that I discovered the wide range of possibilities for anyone who is interested in publishing and making his work known. At that moment (1998) I discovered a Global Classroom with Patti Weeg. I sent my book and now (1999) I received her book Kids@Work Math in cyberzone... but the first contact was by e-mail. I ask myself : Is this like another Gutenberg Time ?. I think so because the whole world has the opportunity to read, write and exchange unlimited information. Nowdays, anybody´s work can be edited on the WEB and made available to an unlimited audience. Cecilia, my workmate in Patagonia (1700 Km South of Mar del Plata) helps me correct my stories by the net. Now the activity that makes Patty revolutionary is that she believes in Education on the Net. Education helps us find truth, excellence and peace. Teachers, friends... you have a good opportunity to learn with Patti. Good Luck !
MAC LAB and ROBOTIC K-J5 HOLY TRINITY COLLEGE calderon@cyber1.cybertech.com.ar Mar del Plata Argentina - South America
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:30:05 +0200 der gleiche Text mit deutschen Sonderzeichen Liebe Patti, Liebe Lehrer und Lehrerinnen, die Sommerferien dauern nur noch eine Woche. Unsere Computerräume sind noch geschlossen, nur unser Web-Server läuft. In Wien (Hauptstadt von Österreich) beginnt langsam der Herbst. Die Temperaturen sind mild und es regnet oft. Ich wünsche Dir Patti und Deinen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern viel Spass beim Lernen im Internet. Alois Vilim
----------------------- dear Patti, hello teachers, this is the last week of our summer-holidays. All computer-labs are closed, only our web-server is working. The temperatur in Vienna (Capitol of Austria) is sometimes like in autumn, and often it is raining. I hope you have a good time with learning on Internet. Alois Vilim http://www.fichtnergasse.asn-wien.ac.at
From: Andre Rombauts andre.rombauts@win.be Les élèves de l'Athénée d'Alleur espèrent pouvoir entrer en contact avec beaucoup d'autres jeunes du monde entier et travailler ensemble sur des projets Kidlink, comme ceux qui l'an dernier ont travaillé avec la S.M.S Leonardo da Vinci (Parme, Italie).
André Rombauts
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 22:43:26 -0300 Hello, people from South Africa! I am Adriana, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but you can call me Adri, as my friends from Kidlink usually do. I've been working with Patti Weeg since I came to the universe of Kidlink and she gave me support and help. She introduced me Carolynn Bruton and we worked together too! I am sure that this meeting will bring you many oportunities and as educators we have to experience mutual help and cooperative work. Let's do it! I wish you luck and fun! I wish I could be there! But with Patti and Carol there, I am sure that there's part of my heart with you!!!
Beijocas (ask Patti about that, please!!!)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 05:41:07 -0300 From Brazil: Hello, South Africa! Hello Patti's students!!! Welcome to Kidlink and to the Internet! The Internet with all its technologies on information, communication and cooperation provides great opportunities for the Education. It makes easy the exchange and the cooperation moderated among persons on distance as well as it makes possible that every one becomes a supplier of information and an user of qualitative information. And Kidlink is the BEST! If agree with me and if you liked Kidlink or if you have suggestions, compliments, etc... please, leave them at: http://www.kidlink.org/portuguese/index.html The page is written in Portuguese but you'll see an icon (a book). Icons are "icons" no matter the language. ;-))))))) Just I don't know where the icon's book is in the English's pages. ;-) But you can leave your message in that book. In quite a second your message will be posted in our WEB pages. Try!
Cheers and Thanks!
From: "Liliane Queiroz Antonio" lili@correionet.com.br Olá a todos!!! Hi, everybody!!! Ë uma grande felicidade tê-los conosco, para podermos trocar ideias, experiencias e acima de tudo poder formar uma grande comunidade colaborativa de educação!!! It's a great pleasure to have you with us in such a way that we can share experiences and, above all, build a big educational colaborative community. Venham conosco fazer parte dos projetos e gostaria que dessem uma olhada nas atividades das escolas que participam do Programa "Quem sou eu" / Modulo "Quais são os meus direitos" , o qual eu coordeno e seria um grande prazer poder contar com a colaboração de voces. Sejam bem vindos!!!!!! Come with us and be part of our projects and I would like if you could take a look inside the pages full of activities made by the schools who take part in WAILA Program/Module 3 - What Are my rights, coordinated by me and it would be nice to have your cooperation.
Coordenadora Modulo "Quais são os meus direitos" / Programa "Quem sou eu "
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 07:57:27 -0300 Hi Patti and folks from S. Africa, This is from Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In our country, this region is known by the imense flooded areas called "Pantanal", which is the environment of literally thousands of fishes, plants and a quite important part of the water of the planet. We are working to be knew also by the education throughout Kidlink. It is amazing to know that this dream is becoming a stronger reality each day! No matter how far we are, Kidlink turns us side by side, fighting the Good Fight, against artificial divisions and ignorance. Welcome everybody to this huge family! Hugs from your brother :o))
From: "RubeM Paulo" rupa@zaz.com.br Hello from Brazil for you!!!!!! Teachers of South Africa, welcome to the wonderful world of the Internet and Kidlink. That you learn all the advantages of this course and if you nedd a help, we will be here for helping you. Hugs from Rubem Paulo, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:33:43 -0300 (EST) Hello friends, Here speaking Ariovaldo. I'm from Brasil, and I live in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo. I am glad to meet you. Enjoy our group
Ariovaldo Miguel Carvalho
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:56:16 -0300 Welcome to the teachers and the future Kidlink-Kids from Capetown!!! Soon you will understand what it means to have a huge family like this one! Your brazilian brothers and sisters are waiting for you!
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 11:12:51 -0300 Hello, all teachers from South Africa! Welcome to Internet and Kidlink. I hope you enjoy them and I hope to see your students in Kidlink projects soon! Kisses,
Larissa Sato Dias Lima
From: "Ana Beatriz" abperei@domain.com.br You are welcome !!! Ana Beatriz Pereira from Brazil Kidleader Portuguese
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:54:45 -0300 Olá a Todos, Sejam bem vindos ao Mundo Kidlink! Através dele podemos inciar muitas aventuras virtuais e, principalmente, estarmos constantemente aprendendo.
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:10:29 -0300 Sejam bem vindos ! Abraços , Dady
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:50:29 -0300 Welcome friends of South Africa Adair Carvalhais Júnior
From: "Janeth Pinto" jpinto@unisys.com.br Hello people from South Africa, Welcome to KIDLINK. I'm Janeth Silveira Pinto. I work as a teacher, but I'm a teacher who doesn't teach anything, but learn and let people learn. I'm really enjoying this experience at KIDLINK family. It's something that starts growing and growing, and suddenly you realize the real meaning of cooperative work. I could say, using nothing but feelings, that it's something that comes from inside... from our souls through our spirits to, finally, reach the group, through the group's spirit to the group's soul... I really wish you enjoy KIDLINK, and since we have already thought about the theories that, in certain way, explain this amazing experience, I hope now we can let flow our feelings ... A big kiss, a huge hug and the deepest peace for us all.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 09:49:26 -0700
Greetings to Participants, How fortunate you are to meet Patti and to have the opportunity to gain some of her knowledge and expertise. I just discovered KIDLINK last year and am totally hooked on using online strategies to enhance student learning. The kids really love being able to communicate with other people around the world and to share their experiences and common goals. KIDLINK is truly a global community that provides educational opportunities for all participants--teachers, students, and parents. I am sure that you will enjoy the upcoming conference where you will discover new ways of using the Internet and telecommunication. Hopefully you will become a member of the KIDLINK family where we all share and learn together. Be sure to check out the links to the website and join our listserv and Kidleader group. Hope to hear from you soon,
Faye Meek
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 16:11:16 -0500 Hello Patti ;D Desde Coyhaique -capital de la Undécima Región- Chile les envío un fraternal y caluroso saludo a ti y a Claus, deseándoles una maravillosa participación en la conferencia "Millennium Minds" A través de ustedes envío cariños, besos y saludos a todos nuestros amigos virtuales de SudAfrica y un pedacito de nosostros a través de estas fotografías de nuestra maravillosa zona. From Coyhaique - capital of the eleventh region - Chile, I send you a fraternal and warm greeting to you and Claus, wishing you have a wonderful participation in the conference "Millenium Minds". Through you I send endearments, kisses and greetings to all our virtual friends in South Africa and a little piece of us in these pictures of our wonderful area. Ruby ;)
Escuela Bernardo O'Higgins - Puerto Guadal Un caluroso saludo desde las heladas tierras de Aysén. Somos un grupo de profesores de la Escuela Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins ubicada a orillas del Lago General Carrera, que en lengua de nuestros antepasados Aonikenk se llamaba "El Gran Chelencko". Fraternizamos con su encuentro y nos adherimos a todo fundamento pedagógico innovador. Warm greetings from the frozen Aysen lands. We are a group of teachers from Bernardo O'Higgins School, located in the shore of General Carrera lake, that in the language of our ancient Aonikent was called "The Big Chelencko". We express our brotherhood with your meeting and our support to all pedagogical innovating basis. Saludos y Cariños de: Greetings and affections from:
Jorge, Karim, Robinson, Luis, Patricio, Luis, Mª Eugenia, Corina, Miriam
desde Puerto Guadal, Undécima Región de Aysén, Chile.
____________________________________ Escuela Tte. Merino - Lago Cochrane Somos un grupo de profesoras de Educación General Básica de Primer ciclo de la Escuela Teniente Merino Correa que trabajamos en la lejana tierrra de Aysén, XI región CHILE Sudamérica, en un pueblo llamado Cochrane, de 3500 habitantes. We are a group of Basic General Education teachers in the First Semester at Lieutenant Merino Correa School that work in the far land of Aysén, XI region CHILE South America, in a town called Cochrane, with 3500 people. Enviamos un cariñoso saludo y deseos de éxito en su tarea profesional. Hacemos extensivo el saludo a todos los participantes del encuentro "Millennium Minds" en Sudafrica. "La amistad traspasa fronteras" We send our greetings and wishes of succes in your professional task. We make our greetings extensive to all the attendants at "Millennium Minds" meeting in South Africa. "Friendship goes beyond frontiers" Con afecto: with affection: Marianela, Nelly, Candelaria, Tita, María Ester y Guacolda.
e-mail sólo texto coordinador@tmerino.aysen.plaza.cl
From: Adrian Hohenstein ad.sa@ci.kk.dk Dear colleagues in Cape Town, Many greetings from Adrian Hohenstein, manager for Kidlink-deutsch !! Adrian Hohenstein
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 99 20:24:05 EET Dear teachers in South Africa, This is Demetre and Gillian Valaris from Athens, Greece. We would like to send you warm greetings from Athens and wish you a happy new school year. We both teach English as a foreign language in our private school here in Athens. Every year we have about 120 pupils in our little school and we use KIDLINK for communication skills. THe kids just love it!!! Even the lazy ones sit down and write little letters to other kids all over the world. Some times we manage to make them do little projects on various subjects, thanks to Mrs Patti. Regards from both of us!!! Demetre Ch. Valaris
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 22:51:44 +0800 Greetings to the teachers of Capetown, South Africa from Hong Kong International School on the southern tip of the island of Hong Kong. Hope your conference is full of rich experiences you can take back to your classrooms. Jim
Jim Zahn
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 22:03:44 GMT Dear Patty and teachers in Cape Town!! Isn't it wonderful to be able to send greetings to your friends as far as from Iceland to Africa, just in few seconds?? I wish I was able to be with you "live", but for now I have to be with you all in spirit!! The lovely, but short summer in Iceland is soon over. The days are getting a little bit shorter every day, and before you notice you will have "night" almost both night and days.;-) Soon the school starts again after sommer break and then the vacation is over. But the good point is, that then we will see more of all our Kidlink friends, which have been a little bit invisible because of summer vacation. Hope all of you have a nice time together in Africa!! Love from Iceland!
Kaer kvedja!!
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 13:55:01 +0300 Dear Patti, Claus and People in South Africa, Sending you best wishes for a very intresting conference,
Hannah Sivan
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Patti Weeg |