Estimating and Measuring

Hi Max and friends,

Our kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Tardiff, brought us crazy bones today. They are bigger than the crazy bones Chris brought to school.

I estimated that we can fit 11 of the bigger crazy bones along the edge of my keyboard. My guess was a little too high. My number was 2 more crazy bones than I could fit there. Can you tell me how many big crazy bones I could fit along the edge my keyboard? I can fit four of the bigger crazy bones by my pencil.

Your friend,

Dear Max and friends,

I measured two monster crazy bones.

I measured both in centimeters:

The purple one I measured in centimeters, It is almost 4 and 1/2 centimeters long. The orange one is about 4 centimeters long.

I measured both in inches:

The orange monster crazy bones is a little it shorter and it is 1 and 1/2 inches long. The purple one is 1 and 3/4 inches.

Are your jojos all the same size? Our crazy bones are not all the same size.

Your friend,

Dear Max and friends,

I estimated that I could line up 11 monster crazybones in a row on my computer. Half way through, I changed my mind. Now I think I can fit only 9. Oh no! I finished and guess what? 10 monster crazybones will fit across my computer.

How many jojos will fit across the top of your computer?

Your friend,


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Math presentation prepared by Joyce Perdue and Patti Weeg
for the National Title 1 Conference - Tampa, Florida: January 24-26, 2002
| Authors in Residence | Elementary Math Students in the CyberZone |
January 2002