Multiple Intelligences


Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

This intelligence will be addressed as students use words effectively, listen, read, and verbalize through writing and speaking. Students will be exposed to activities designed to assist hem in perceiving the world accurately. They will draw and design materials such as diagrams, maps, and charts.


Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

This intelligence will be addressed while students experience opportunities to use numbers effectively and to reason well. Students must reason things out logically and clearly while looking for abstract patterns and relationships. Computers will be an integral part of this entire unit.


Interpersonal Intelligence

Students will utilize this intelligence while they perceive and make distinctions in the moods, intentions, motivations, and feelings of other people- not just in their classroom, but also globally. There will be many opportunities for students to socialize, cooperate, and relate their learning to other students.


Intrapersonal Intelligence

Students will be challenged to use their self-knowledge and their ability to act adaptively on the basis of that knowledge while they perform independent tasks and self-pace their own learning towards the production of their presentations.


Musical and Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligences

While these intelligences will not be directly incorporated into this project, there will be opportunities for students to explore the music and sports they discover from their keypals. They will be welcome to share these elements of culture as (or during) their presentation.
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