Friendships Growing Across Two Oceans

The following excerpts are from email messages exchanged between the Waimalu Elementary sixth grade students and their keypals in Ireland and England.


Dear Maeve,

How are you? I'm fine. I love going to the beach, however it has been a long time since I was there. Now my family goes once in every month. At the beach I make castles (not very good castles), swim, and digdeep holes. I dig the holes until I reach water then I sit in it. Then I spend the rest of my time in the water and before I leave I fill in the hole that I dug. How often do you go to the beach and what do you do here?

Living on an island away from everything does not really bother me. Sometimes I fell like going somewhere else off of this island. Other than that I barely notice that I stuck on an island. How do you feel about being isolated on an island?

I live about 13 km from the shoreline. How far do you live from the shoreline?

From your Keypal,



Dear Amanda,

How are you doing? I'm grand. We are just coming back from our mid term but all we got off was two days but I got a week off because I was skiing last week. Have you ever been skiing? I think it is great.

You seem to love the beach. There is not really any point in going to the beach over here. I mean it's practically always raining and the beach would just be wet. The weather we have been having lately has not been so bad. I go to the beach every day when I am on my holiday in Portugal.

What I do on the beach is like you: build sandcastles and dig holes. Then my dad judges who dug the deepest hole and the best sandcastle. I do these competitions with my brothers. You see, I have four brothers. After that I might go for a swim or go climbing on the rocks.

We are about 20km from the shoreline.

Do you know who 5ive and B*witched are? I know the BSB's but I do not really know who N'sync are.

In school, do you eat in the cafeteria or do you bring a packed lunch?

Well bye, see ya,

your key pal,


Dear Maeve,

How are you? I'm fine. To answer your question, no I have never been skiing, but I'm sure it's great. On my vacations all I do is shop, go to my friends house, go to the movies, and stay home to watch my annoying brother. Luckily, I only have one brother. Do you like your brothers?

Yes, I have heard of 5ive and B* witched. 5ive has some fans and so do B*witched. They are going to have a concert together which will be shown on the Disney channel.

Have you heard of the movie"She's All That"? If so, have you seen it? I have, not once but twice. It's a great movie and I love the theme song "Kiss Me". It's sung by a new band called Sixtenths None The Richer.

At school, I eat school lunches which is not all that great so I really don't have a favorite.

your friend,



Hi Mathew,

It's Ger again. Whatz up? What did you think of the Prince of Egypt? I thought it was good. We got a brand spanking new C.D. player. What kind of music do you like? I like rock! What kind of food do you like? I like pizza and chips.

My friend got a cool new jeep. It's DA BOMB. What is your favorite N64 game? Mine is 007! What is your favorite movie? Mine is Flubber. It was funny!!! Did you see the South Park C.D. Chief Aid?

My friend got a word "Mahalo". What does that mean?

from: Ger.


Hi Gerrard!

Its Mat!

I thought The Prince Of Egypt was a great movie! I like rapping music and Hawaiian music. I like to eat pizza and chicken. My favorite N64 game is WCW vs. NWO Revenge. My favorite movie is Rush Hour. It was so funny. Did you see Rush Hour? Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker star in it. No, i did not see the new South Park C.D. If you're wondering what "Mahalo" means, it means "thank you".

From: Mathew


Dear Kelsie,

How are you? I am fine, thanks. Thank you for your letter.

Do you like the band Cleopatra? My friend is in Cleopatra's fan club. She gets loads of stuff like magazines and posters. She also got a signed picture.I might write into 5ive's fan club because I'm mad about them. Their names are Scott, Rich, J, Sean, and Abs.

In piano I had an exam and a drama called "A Little Princess"

The weather here is cold. I hope it is nice over there.

Slan, (mean bye)


Dear Julie,

Hey! How are you! In art we got to listen to your music. Is the group name Bewitched? They sound really good. They sound like the Spice Girls. Do you know who the Spice Girls are? They sing exactly like the Bewitched girls.

Anyway, I would like to know what kind of clothes you like to wear. I like to wear Black or White. Short shirts are the bomb.I like to dress up. But I hate acting prim and proper clothing. I shop at Liberty Hous and any other store I like to look for things that are cool. For example, I love to wear Hawaiian dresses. They are short, but that is okay. The stores that have the best Hawaiian stuff is Hawaiian Island Creations and Town and Country. They are like so cool.

I wish I could meet you one day. You seem like you are so cool! I love sending you letters, it's just that sometimes I get too busy. You probably know don't you?.





Dear Brian,

Howzit. Sorry I didn't write in a long time - so, my bad. (my fault) For Christmas my dad's side of the ohana (family) and I got together at my house and opened presents. My favorite present was Zelda for N64. It's da bomb (the best). After that we went to my mom part of the family and opened more presents.


Hi Scott,

I got your letter you wrote me and I really enjoyed reading it. I also got Zelda for the N64. It is a mad game.

I can not wait until you come over to Ireland. I hope you have permission to come over because we have a surprise for you.

Here are some Irish words and I will put the English beside it...

dia duit = Hello

Slan leat = goodbye

Do you play any sports? I do, I play soccer, GAA (Irish sport), hurling (Irish sport), golf and swimming. I had a soccer match last Sunday. We won 2-0. I scored two goals.

I was at horse racing last Sunday with my friend and I met a lot of people from America and two of them were from Hawaii. Oh! Well I have to go.

See ya Scott

From Brian



Dear James Whatz up,

It's Bryan airs (again). Howz it in Hawaii? Are you coming to Ireland if so I will tellyou some phrases in Irish



Slan leat


P.S. I don't have a girl friend.


Dear Bryan,

Howzit, it's James again. For Christmas me and my family went out to eat dinner. The presents I got were a model set, a wrestling t-shirt, a CD, and a Blockbuster gift card. So I had a great Christmas. Just keep on sending me messages.

from, James

ps- I do not have a girlfriend. You can use these phrases when you are in Hawaii.

whatzup- what is going on, like hello

mahalo- thank you

da kine- stuff, when you donUt know the word for it

aloha- hello and good-bye

da bomb- the best

ohana- family

howzit- how is it going

Click here to see images of Waimalu students and their Irish keypals.


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