Welcome to the Maryland Project

Hi kids! Please raise your hands when you get this message. ;-) I am just checking to see if all of you have read the files about Maryland geography. Leslie and Megan have sent me some information and I'll send it along to all of you. Please add your comments and ideas. I think we finally have our group identified so let me introduce you to each other.

Olya is the young lady in Russia for whom this project was developed. She has been writing to my students for over two years! That's dedication. ;-)

Leslie is a former Delmar Elementary School student and she is one of Olya's keypals. Now that she is at the Jr/Sr High School I think Leslie is doing lots more homework!

Megan is a student at Delmar Elementary School and she has been a KIDLINK kid since last year.

Michael Wallace and David Hurley are two lads from the Cedars Primary School in Hounslow, United Kingdom. They will help us round out the story when we talk about the colonization of Maryland.

Elizabeth is from Fruitland Intermediate School and loves KIDLINK IRC!

Jeremy is our 'senior' member on this team and he attends Wicomico High School. He will help us with our research, won't you, Jeremy? ;-)

Since all of you do not have access to the World Wide Web I will send our files as e-mail and we can do all our corresponding this way. Reply to this 'group' and we will all share the discussions. I will make the Web pages from our correspondences.

Last Sunday I attended the Nanticoke Pow Wow and took some pictures. Soon I will be writing our lessons about the Native Americans who were the first Marylanders. Don't miss the Web pages if you can see them. The photos from the Pow Wow will be there.

I need your photos too! I have Leslie's and Megan's but I need current photos of the others. Please send to me as a file or through the regular post. (Jeremy - your dad can send me one through school)

I know you are wondering just what is expected of you in this course. Welll..... ;-) I want you to read what I send you, do some research, answer the questions and join the discussion. That's not too much, is it? Keep in mind that your regular school work must be done first. This is an extra 'task' you have accepted and I do plan to share this with your teachers. Olya... I hope dad will do that for me.

Welcome to the project and let's have a fun year together. Olya has invited us all to her house next summer! *smiles*

Olya... I am teasing, of course.... but wouldn't it be a wonderful dream come true, kids, if we could all visit Olya in Russia someday?

warm hugs,
(Mrs. Weeg) <--- because this is what Leslie and Megan call me. ;-)


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