Billions of Little UPS Trucks

We are reading your description of the Circulatory System, Mr. D, and this is what Andrew sees. Take a look at what the rest of us see as we read your first paragraph. Hope you like them! Stay tuned for more...

Dear Andrew:

The drawing of the RBC truck carrying oxygen and nutrients, and the WBC ambulance is great. I especially like that you put them on a one-way street. Nice going. Keep up the good work. One day people may say, He drew, Andrew, Andrew. Just kidding.

Your Korny Key Pal,
Mr. D

Dear Lisa:

Thanks for the neat drawing of the trucks. I think it was very clever of you to start off with a UPS truck and then the RBC truck. Do you think the WBC ambulance will get there on time? I hope so.

Be a good Key Pal, Lisa, Write (hehehe)
Mr. D

Dear Danni:

Thanks for the really neat picture of the WBC's and RBC's at work. I looks like you really put some thought into the drawing. Did Mrs. Weeg tell you that I am printing all the pictures and putting them on my office wall?

Your Pal,
Mr. D

Hi, Heather:

Real nice drawing. You have the WBC trucks and RBC trucks real busy. Just like in real life. This picture is going to look great on my office wall.

Catch you later.
Your Key Pal,

Mr. D


I think I will start to call you Gene Gene the drawing machine! Very nicely thought out picture. I believe you have quite a talent towards illustration. Keep it up. I hope you enjoyed my little description of the circulatory system.

See ya' around.
Your Key Pal,

Mr. D

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