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Which Play For This Summer?
Play 5th Grade 6th Grade
Aladdin 10 12
Pinocchio 5 0
Shoemaker 1 5
Rumplestiltskin 11 13

Hi kids!
You guys are the greatest to take the time to vote and then to put it in a chart so I could easily understand it. Looks like "Rumplestilsken" is your choice!! It is one of my all time favorites. The only question I have to answer is if old Mr. Wills can still play the part. It is his FAVORITE part, but we have Rumplestiltskin as a small little person--so Mr. Wills has always performed the entire show sqautting with his knees bent(like a catcher does behind home plate) and when he moves he creeps and hops in that same position. Try it and stay like that for awhile to see what it is like. But he's a trouper, as we say, and I know he would be willing to give it a try.........I'll let you know as soon as we decide for sure. BIG THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE VOTE AND IN HELPING MAKE THE GRAPHS.


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Patricia A. Weeg
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