Hi! My name is Rita Hoster and I'm a student at Salisbury State University majoring in elementary education. I'm taking two classes this summer, Reading Difficulties and Children's Lit. As part of my Reading Difficulties requirements, I have observed Michelle Gatter's third grade classes for two weeks. It has been great! Children in summer school are great resources for an aspiring teacher. Problems are concentrated and much easier to identify. I was able to administer reading tests to different children and gained valuable insight into the testing process. Ms. Gatter has made this a very positive experience for me and I already feel better equipped to tackle student teaching.
My name is Renee Howard and I am a student a Salisbury State University. For four days I have been working with Mrs. Fletcher and her second grade class. My total experience here has been wonderful. This experience has allowed me to use the B ader Inventory to test some of the students and really become familiar with this new program for summer school. The new program, the Early Success Program, is great. I am hoping that when I start teaching that this program will be available to me.
Hello, I am Barbi Talbert and I am a senior at Salisbury State University. I have had an opportunity to work with Ms. Dennis, a sixth grade teacher for Summer School. She allowed me to read to the class while asking them for their inputs about what the story's theme was. She also allowed me to administer a reading test to a student and give other students some ideas of how to improve their reading skills. This was my first experience working with sixth grade; these students made it a wo nderful learning experience! Thanks to all of the students; I wish you all the best life has to offer!
July 17, l996
Hello Fellow Educators,
My name is Faye Williams and I am a non-traditional college student at Salisbury State University in Salisbury, Md. After 13 years as a bank manager, I decided to return to college and persue a "meaningful" career as an elementary school teacher. I have had the opportunity to spend the past two weeks with Ms. Hayward, who is a fourth grade teacher, spending her summer teaching at Glen Avenue Elementary School here in Salisbury. My observation and participation opportunites have been enli ghtning, exciting, and challenging. I have had the opportunity to perform reading instructional level tests and assist Ms. Hayward with her classroom instructions.
Ms. Hayward teaches using a literature base program that has proven to be exciting to her students and me, as a future teacher. My previous observational experiences have been with teachers who use the basal method of teaching. Since my curren t educational beliefs lean toward the whole language methods, I have enjoyed my experience working with Ms. Hayward and can't wait to try these methods and begin my new career.
I am a student at Salisbury State University. I enjoy reading, math, and science. I will be graduating in December 1996. I hope to teach 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. My favorite hobbies are walking and going to baseball games
This summer I have had the opportunity to work with students at the Glen Avenue Summer School in Salisbury, Md. We have worked on reading and grammar skills. I even had the opportunity to teach a lesson in Mrs. Adkins room based on one of our stories. The students planned a trip and drew a map to their destination. Students planned trips to the Baltimore Zoo, Hawaii, and China.
I had a great time! I am looking forward to teaching my own students
Tony Rosetta Hello! My name is Karen Crawford. I am a student at Salisbury State University, in Maryland. As part of my education, I am working with students at Glen Avenue Summer School. While here, I have had the opportunity to teach reading to third and forth graders ( Mrs. Adkins Resource Students) using the Early Success Program. I like this reading program and feel that the students will benefit from it too.
After I graduate in December 1996. I look forward to teaching students in my own classroom.
Karen Crawford
Hello from Glen Avenue Summer School! My name is Wendy Stone. I am a senior at Salisbury State University. This summer I am completing the requirements for my elementary education degree. I have been working with Mrs. Fletcher's students as part of my Reading Difficulties class. I have been able to test several students to find their instructional reading level using an informal reading inventory.
What I found most interesting was the difference between the students perceived abilities and what the inventory revealed. Some of the very shy students who did not participate in class where excellent readers. The experience I gained in these two weeks will be valuable in my own classroom. Maybe, cross you fingers, I'll have one this fall! I had fun working with the students one on one and in the classroom. I'd like to thank the Glen Avenue summer school, Mrs. Fletcher, and the students for a great experience this summer!
Wendy Stone
Patricia A. Weeg