![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mon, 07 Jul 1997
How are you doing? I'm fine. How did you spend your weekend? On Friday my dad had a party for his birthday. He bar-b-qued and on Saturday I slept, got up, took my bath, played, and watched TV . On Sunday I went crabbing and we caught 14 crabs and went and bought some more that were steamed. We went home and some of my relatives came over and we ate some crabs.
your friend,
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, Hi. I'm fine too. Is your dad's birthday *really* on July 4th? That's cool! I hope you enjoyed the barbequeue. Did your dad get lots of birthday presents? I used to love to go crabbing, but I haven't been for ages. I know a great crabbing place in England where there's a little river behind the beach. The crabs come right up the river and you catch them with a fishing line with bits of bacon on the hooks (just a hand-line, not a rod and line). It sounds like a strange way to catch crabs, maybe, but they just go crazy for the bacon. How do you catch your crabs? Well, I have to go now,
your friend,
Wed, 09 Jul 1997 Dear Liz, How are you doing? I'm fine. My dad didn't get too many presents. When we catch crabs we use a piece of crabing string. We take a piece of raw chicken tie it to the string and toss it into the water but hold the string or tie it to something conecting to the pier and check it now and then by bringing it up slowly. All so I like to go fishing me and my dad like to go some places. We go to places that have names like Elliotts Island, Chance, Whitehaven, Nanticoke, and Racoons Point. We like to crab at Public Landing . Next year I will be going to middle school 7th grade. Yesterday I had a orientation and they told me what it whould be like. Near the end of the summer I will go again and they will show me around the school. The school is big. It is called Wi- Middle which is short for Wicomico Middle school.
Your Friend,
Wed, 09 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, Well, it looks like the way you catch crabs isn't so different from how we do it. I wonder if you catch more crabs with chicken or with bacon? Next time I go crabbing I'll try both and see which is better. I've been writing to some of the kids in Hawaii where Mrs Weeg has gone. Shall I ask them if they go crabbing too? And what they use for bait? It might be interesting, I think. Are you excited about going to middle school? What did they tell you at the orientation? I guess they told you what lessons you'll be doing and who the teachers are.
Your friend,
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello everybody - it's Liz again in Amsterdam. I've been having an interesting email conversation with Lawrence. He's in Mrs Weeg's summer school in Maryland. He likes to go crabbing and he uses a crabbing string and bits of chicken. When I lived in England I used to go crabbing with a hand line and some bacon. I don't go crabbing here in Holland because there aren't any good crabbing beaches. We were wondering if anyone at Mindspace also catches crabs. If you do, maybe you could let me know how it's done in Hawaii. I'll pass your messages on to Lawrence.
groetjes (bye-ee in Dutch),
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, I asked the guys in Hawaii about how they go crabbing. The first thing below is what I asked. The second mail is a a reply from Jordan. He catches crabs with his hands - sounds cool! You can write to him if you put jordan@kalama.doe.Hawaii.Edu in the To: space. Ask Mrs Dickerson first. Jordan's at the place where Mrs Weeg is. It looks like a lot of people like to catch crabs and we all do it a bit differently!
best wishes, Dear Liz, My name is Jordan. I haven't been writing to you so you probably don't know me yet. I like to catch crabs too. Here in Hawaii I use bare hands. We catch them on the beach at night time. Sometimes the crabs dig a hole in the sand which makes it easier for us to catch them.
Dear Jordan How can you catch a crab with your hands? If I tried to catch crab with my hands I would be scared. When you catch a crab do you go under water to catch one?
Your friend,
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, The biggest one's are about the size of the mouse on the computer, not counting the legs. Oh they bite but I'm used to being bitten. Well it all depends on where they run. Usually they are on the sand. Jordan
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mon, 14 Jul 1997 Dear Liz, How come there aren't any more crabbing beaches in Holland any more ? can you go to other places in Holland to crab? Can you buy crabs to eat ?
Your friend,
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, Holland is only a little country and all the beaches are sandy. Crabs like to live in rocky places, so they just don't live here. It's quite easy to get crabs to eat, but I guess they come from England or Spain. I'll ask my friends at work if they know. Callei in Hawaii wrote. She says they catch crabs with a net! Her email is just below here, so that you can read it too.
your friend, Mon, 14 Jul 1997 Dear Liz in Amsterdam, Thank you for writing!! I'll take it from here!! How we crab in Hawaii is easy!! All we need to do is get some pieces of fish and tie them to a crab net and throw the net into the water and wait for a little while !! Oh, say about 20 minutes. Then you go back to your spot and check for any crabs!! Callei
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 Hi Lawrence, Here's a mail from Juvelyn in Hawaii. She also uses a net to catch crabs. I asked some people at work about crabbing in Holland. It seems you can sometimes find little crabs on the beach, but they are too small to eat.
your friend, Dear Liz, Hi! It's me again! Anyway you wrote and told us about crabs and you told us how to catch it and you were asking us how we catch crabs. For me when we went to my uncle's place we went there to catch crab and we used the head of a fish, a big net, then put a big string on the net so it won't fall off. It was kind of easy catching crabs because all you have to do is wait until the crabs go in the net. I was wondering, do you think crabs like bacon? Over here, when you let a crab eat bacon that's a waste! Well anyway I guess that's it! If you have anymore question just write back to me. Okay!!!!! Ba-bye!!!
Always be here to answer,
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 Dear Juvy, Ms Liz and I were talking about crabbing. I wanted to know how she caught crabs and she told me how she crabbed and I told her how I crabbed She wanted to know how some of you kids crabbed in Hawaii and she asked if you crabbed and how you crabbed. After you told her how you crabbed she wrote to me and told me how you crabbed and I wanted to ask you did you crab with a net are did you use any bait or something? I crab with a string into a raw piece of chicken and sit it in the water and wait till a crab comes and grabs it and then I pull it up slowly. Lawrence
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 Dear Lawrence, Hi! it's me da one n only! Well anyway I would like to answer your question (=I wanted to ask you did you crab with a net are did you use any bait or something? I crab with a string into a raw piece of chicken and sit it in the water and wait till a crab comes and grabs it and then i pull it up slowly. (=+) this is your question) My answer is well we crab with a net and a head of a fish, when the crab goes in the net we will just pull it slowly,it is so simple. Well anyway did you see my picture already? Well hope you did!!. That's it for now and thanks!!!
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 Dear Mary, Hi,how are you doing? I'm fine! Do you like crabs? I don't eat them usualy. But they are good. How do you catch crabs? I catch crabs tying a piece of raw chicken then throw it in the water and wait. For the crabs!!
Your Friend,