
The Netherlands

Sinterklaas December 5
by Meike de Haas

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From Meike's dad, Steef


St. Nicholas was a bishop who lived in the harbor-town of Myra in Asia Minor in the 5th century, this man was known for his well-doing to poor children. Meike told me to-night, he used to throw gold-pieces in the poor kids houses. Remember that, because there is still a lot of throwing to come!

For the small kids, from birth :) till 8 to 10 yrs, the Sinterklaas-time starts a few weeks before 5 December, when he arives officially from SPAIN (!) in a steaming vessel (boat?), with his black (!) Pieten. (10, 20 etc) Sint is seated on a white horse, after leaving the ship, the whole group, surrounded by children and their (poor) parents, moves to the town-hall, where Sinterklaas is wellcomed by the towns mayor. During this ride, the PIETEN throw sweeties in the crowds! A "Zwarte Piet" (Black Peter) is a helping aid, completely grease-painted BLACK, with a linen sack (bag?) that is filled with presents for the GOOD children, the BAD ones, however, might be put in the sack, 6 December, to be taken to Spain with Sinterklaas. You can understand, this time is both cheerful and fearful for little children!

Sinterklaas always is very nice, old, etc, has a long white beard, like your Santa. Often in the bigger shops, There is a Sinterklaas on a big throne, with Piets tumbling around. Parents take their children to him, the kids even shake hands with the Sint and get little presents, or sweeties.

Well, after that day, the children are allowed to put their shoe next to the stove, at least the place that is closest to the chimney (bit difficult in our modern houses :) ) as AT NIGHT ZWARTE PIET IS CLIMBING OVER THE ROOFS, putting presents in the chimneys of houses of the NICE and GOOD children. ONLY those who sang the traditional Sinterklaas-songs before going to bed.


This text can be found in the KIDLINK Multi-Cultural Calendar.

Patricia A. Weeg
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