What is the Struggle

for Simple Simon?

Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think it is the baker who is going to take the gold from him. He might sneak up behind him and take the gold from him.


Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think the baker is going to get it. He is going to steal it. He is going to go into his house when he is not there. If the door Is locked he will break it open.

Your friend,

Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think it might be baker eho will try to get it. And he might go while he was sleeping he will try to get it he will go and get some string and will tie it to the gold and he will go and tie it to it and pull the gold and grab it and that is how I would do that.

Your friend,

Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think the baker is going to take the gold from simple simon. He is going to sneak it.

Your friend,

Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think it is the pieman who will take the gold. He will trick Simple Simon into buying a pie and take the gold. And he will buy the pie. The pieman wants the gold to be rich and he will be rich. Bye I will see you Thanksgiving.

Your friend,

Oct. 21, 1996
Dear Prospector Parker,

I think it might be the pieman because when Simple Simon got a job helping the piemen. The piemen did not want to have to pay him. So the piemen stole his money that he gave Simple Simon.

Your friend,

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