Mrs. Smith's Class Knows the Answer

Dear Prospector Parker,

Is it right Simple Simon? I am right because I looked in the book. I found that he went to a fair and it was a Mother Goose book and he was not very smart. I hope you like me .

He went home and got some money and he went back and bought the pie. He ask everbody then 1 person came up and he said it's mine and he said you can have it.

Your Friend,

Dear Prospector Parker,

It is simple simon? I think I am right because I looked in a book. I found it and I would like to hear it when you come to Delmar.

Your friend,

Dear Prospector Parker,

It is Simple Simon? I think I am right because I looked in a book. I found that he went to a Fair and it was a Mother Goose Book and he was not very smart. I hope you like me. He went home and he found some money and it was not his money. He ask everbody then 1 person came up and he said its mine and he said you can have it.

Your Friend,

Dear Prospector Parker,

We think it might be Simple Simon because I looked at your hints and I looked in the Mother Goose book and I have thought it out and I found the answer and to make it longer I would add some things. This is what I would write. Simple Simon went to the county fair when he got there he did not have anything. He wanted to go and interview for a job and he got the job and the next day he went to the fair and bought a pie.

Your friend,

Dear Prospector Parker,

We think it is Simple Simon because it has two s's. Simple Simon was not smart. Simple Simon is going to the fair. Simple Simon needed a job.

Your friend,

Dear Prospector Parker,

Did I guessright, Simple Simon? I looked in the Mother Goose Book and found the answer. Simple Simon could get a job and make money and go to the fair. He could be a clown he wound be a good clown. See you at Thanksgiving.

Your friend,M

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