March 4, 1997

"The Internet in Education"

Pam M., Pam B. and Todd are working hard.


  1. Class meets at Delmar Elementary School to visit Patti's "Global Classroom" where they will see how the Internet is used across curriculum areas.
  2. Use the digital camera and upload the images from the camera to the computer.
  3. Class moves to Wi Hi and the Media Center Lab.
  4. Internet providers - how to choose?
  5. Brainstorm ways to get access at school when there is only a connection in the computer lab and not your classroom.
  6. Glossary of Internet Terms
  7. Learn the Net
  8. More practice with e-mail: saving mail as a file, attaching files (text, images, and URL's), configuring signatures, address book, netiquette.
  9. Netscape basics - visiting links, making bookmarks, saving images, mailing pages.
  10. Newsgroups
  11. Browsing links in your curriculum areas from the resource page.
  12. Begin thinking about an Internet project to do with *your* students.

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Patricia A. Weeg
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