Alenka Makuc, Manager

KIDFORUM began the 1995-1996 school year with a full schedule of topics which assisted teachers in planning for the school year.

It seems that many teachers take what KIDLINK offers free but many give nothing in return. People hesitate to moderate projects.

In KIDS-96 some KIDFORUM messages were coming across the list in two languages to encourage global participation

KIDFORUM used IRC as a part of the topics.

Perhaps we could have two KIDFORUM lists. One would have the best topics that are favorites and these can run each year. The other would have additional topics.

Reports are not always coming from the moderators after the projects and perhaps a form would help. Teachers do not always send feedback and this is necessary for improving our projects.

To make KIDFORUM more friendly:

Before the Topic -

During the Topic -

KIDFORUM has a new registration form. Announcements are translated (Marisa Lucena) and Tor Arne is making WWW pages. Joann Wilson is keeping the files updated.

KIDFORUM plans to use the WWW:

Some problems include:

Patricia A. Weeg
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