In my shoebox I'd like to put: A picture of my granparents , of my school mates of primary school, of my cat.
I don't need to invent what I would like to put in my shoebox, because I have a lot of shoeboxes.
I have two shoeboxes for videogames. Other shoeboxes contain puppets, but
my favourite shoebox is the one where there are pictures, ropes, pens,
pencils, broken games, old puppets, thin dry leaves and flowers, and other
things. my mother says that I must take care in opening it because there
can be dust or an "imperial scorpion".
You see in my shoeboxes there's everything but shoes.
Luca Galliani
In my shoebox I'd like to put a Michael Jordan's basket. In my shoebox I'd like to put my school books of the primary school. In my shoebox I'd like to put the Fortitudo's scarf because it's my favourite basketball team. In my shoebox I'd like to put my small radio because I love music.
In my shoebox I'd like to put: my sec ret diary because so I don't lose it so when I want to remember the most beautiful days I spent, I can read my diary and I'll never forget thems.
In my shoebox I'd like to put the toys I used when I was a little child: in my shoebox I'd like to put one plastic puppy, in my shoebox I'd like to put one peluche puppy. Because it remembers me of the time when I was little.
Elisa Baratti
In my shoe box I'd put... a photo of my dog that I love so much, to have him always with me also when it isn't near me I'd put a puppet that they gave me when I was born because I love it. I'd put my collections of telephone cards and coins too
In my shoebox I'd Iike to put my shoes because the shoebox serves for this. In my Shoebox I'd Iike to put money because. I am afraid of thieves.
Qiu Jian
In a shoebox, I would like to put the origami, because they remember me of China in particular the paper birds. I would like to put the marbles because with their colours closed in the glass, they are very beautiful. I wauld like to put also a school diary af 1A media, because 1A media is the first class I went to in Italy.
Wu Xiao yan
In a shoebox I'd like to put my first ball, because I love it.In a shoebox I'd like to put olso my first secret diary.In my shoebox I'd like to put my mineral collection because I love them. In my shoebox I'd like to put the picture of my family, of my best friend, and of my school friends. In my shoebox I'd like to put a lat of things and maybe I'd need two shoeboxes.
Francesca Cocchi
In a shoebox, I would like to put a photo of my family, because I love then. I would like to put also a photo of my volley ball and a picture of my favourite team. I would like to put my school diary as a symbol of my of my school life. I would like to put olso a birthday picture to remember, l of oll my birthdays. of all birthdays.
Chiara Grassilli
I my shoebox I'd Iike to put a coke a wolkman, because I like music, a book, some money, the key of my bike, a pencil and a drawing block a bar, my drawing block.
In my shoebox I'd like to put; the pictures that are dear to me; my mother' s picture, my best friend and a picture of me when i was a baby. One ivory task, one gold medal because i won it in the football championship in 1995. In my shoebox i,d like to put: a Zinedine Zidane t-shirt, because he is a Juventus football team player.
Sifli Salah-eddine
SMS Irnerio - Bologna