The Longest Night

by Holly Ly


One glorious morning a little boy named David Hess had to start packing for a long trip to Antarctica. He was really excited because he never had been on long trips like this with his dad. You see, his dad was an explorer and he loved to study different places.

David packed a lot of stuff to do on the way. His dad liked that idea because it would keep him out of trouble. They all got a good night's sleep because they were going to start leaving the next night. It was the end of March and they were going to stay there for three months.

"I've got a surprise for you." said David's dad. "What is it?" David replied. "You'll see when we get there." answered his dad.

It took about a day and a half to get there. When they arrived it was very cold but they came prepared with thick clothes and face covering. Of course David had to complain for a little while. He had never been to a place so cold! After a while he got used to the below zero temperature. Then his dad took him to see the cabin that they were staying in. It had a big cozy bed with nice thick blankets. It had stoves and everything.

"I'm going to like this place" said David.

The next day David's dad took him out on a helicopter to see the wildlife of this really cold place. They saw Harp Seals and Polar bears, Artic wolves, and Artic hares.

" You know the surprise I was talking about it will come tomorrow " said David's father. "I can't wait" replied David. That night David's dad got a good night's sleep but David didn't. He was thinking about the surprise.

"Daddy!" David yelled as he shook his father. "What, son?" said David's dad. "Get up and show me the surprise" replied David. "It will be here soon" said David's dad. "Wake me up at ten o'clock."


At ten o'clock David woke up his dad. Now they were waiting outside for the big surprise.

" When is it coming? " We have been waiting here for a long time," said David. " Just be patient," replied David's dad.

Suddenly David's eyes got big. The sun's light was fading away.

" Wow, dad this is wonderful!" said David.

The next night David had trouble sleeping. Bad dreams filled his mind. So the rest of April David had to try to get used to the darkness. It was like there was no day time just night time. David got used to it though. As the long days went by David had more things to do.

Now there was only a month left to stay at the cold dark place that he just began to love.


After the month went by David and his dad had to get their stuff packed up and ready to leave.

"Come on David. Time to go. Say bye." said David's dad quietly. "Bye" David said in a sad voice.

They both got on the plane and waited the day and a half to get back home.

"Well David did you like it there?" said David's dad. "Yes, dad. I loved it." replied David. "Well you better because we are going back next year."

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