My Girl Scout troop does a lot of things. We go a lot of places. Last year we did a food drive. We visited a lot of Nursing Homes and Retirement Centers. We even went to a very old man's house and took him some food and other things. For our end of the year trip, we went to Hershey Park. This year we are going skiing. We are going on a tour of the T.V. station, WBOC. We are also having a going away party for one of the girls in our troop. There is going to be a girl from Mary Kay there too. In my opinion, I think all girls should be in Girl Scouts. I have been in Girl Scouts for 5 years.
This summer, I went to a Girl Scout horseback riding camp in
Pennsylvania. It was called Hidden Falls. I met alot of
people and alot of friends. Most of them were from different
troops and different states or towns. It was a good
experience and alot of fun. Most of the people I was very
friendly with. At the stables there was a humungous rock that
we all liked to hang out on. If we weren't riding, we were on
the rock.
We did alot of different things on the horses. Including
going on trails. We were split up into three groups. They
split us by experiances with riding horses. When one of the
groups was on the trail, our group had nothing to do. So the
lady that owned them let us paint one of the horses.
She has
a special kind of paint that washes off with soap and water.
We had a blast!! We got to paint different designs and hand
prints all over him. We had to take turns feeding him hay so
he wouldn't go wild. It was alot of fun.
Caitlin Rimkis
6th Grade
Delmar Elementary School