HTML Fonts and Font Sizes

Netscape Font Faces

Tag Output
<FONT FACE="Arial,Futura"> Arial
<FONT FACE="Impact,Arial"> Impact
<FONT FACE="Times Roman, Futura"> Times Roman
<FONT FACE="Modern,Arial"> Modern
<FONT FACE="Courier,Arial"> Courier

You might want to specify two names in the FACE tag because a browser that supports FACE will search for the FONT names one at a time. It will look for the second if it can't find the first. Not all browsers support FACE and not all systems will have the font you want installed so use the tag with this knowledge. If you cannot see a difference in the "output" above then you don't have those fonts installed on your system or your browser doesn't support the FACE attribute.

Netscape Font Sizes

Tag Output
<FONT SIZE=+4> Font
<FONT SIZE=+3> Font
<FONT SIZE=+2> Font
<FONT SIZE=+1> Font
default; no tag needed Font
<FONT SIZE=-1> Font
<FONT SIZE=-2> Font
<FONT SIZE=-3> Font

Search The Global Classroom
Patricia A. Weeg
author: Kids@work: Math in the Cyberzone
The Global Classroom
January 20, 1999