Calories, Cholesterol and Your Heart

Hi kids,

I have some questions for all of you to answer. . .if you can . ;-)

These questions are not specifically about the heart or the circulation, but they are very important to your heart and circulatory health. I hope you can find the answers easily. I'm in no hurry, though. Since February is "Heart Month" I can wait until then to get your answers.

  1. What is a calorie?
  2. How many calories would an *adult* use if he/she did nothing all day but stay in bed?
  3. How many calories are in a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Fries and a Coke?
  4. What are the different kinds of calories?
  5. Is it more important to eat, foods "low in cholesterol" or "low in fat?" Be sure to tell me why.
  6. To lose weight, is it more important to a.)reduce calories, b.) increase activity (exercise), c.)do a little of both, d.) do a lot of both? Tell me why?
  7. Why is knowing the answers to these questions important to your heart health?

I'll try to think up some more interesting questions and, when I do, I'll send them along.

Your KeyPal,
Mr. D

I hope you all had a great time during the holidays. Please stay in touch.

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