We Learn More About Bosnia

Photo by Senior Airman Jennifer Westcott, in Bosnia

Dear Patti and class,

Tuzla Air Base has a web page. It might be interesting for the kids to see. It has pictures and lots of information. You can access it at www.usafe.af.mil/bases/tuzla/tuzla1.htm If you go to the living conditions section you can see the tent in which I live. It is the second one from the left. There is a total of 36 tents in our area. I live in tent 34.

Once again, thanks for everything. I'll write later.

Chip :)

Dear Chip,

Thank you for your reply. I saw your tent. HOW DO YOU LIVE IN THERE! How many peolpe live in your tent? I think that is RUDE!!! I hoped your liked you pictures! I'm the one with red hair! I had to stand on my tippy toes! I had to lean one hand on Hannah. Thank you for writing to me Chip.

Your friend,
Lauren :)

April wrote a short note and then the bell rang. Chip replied just the same...

Dear April Lynn,

Thanks for thinking of me. I'm sorry that Holly is getting on your nerves. She wrote me a short message, but the bell rang on her. I don't hear bells here. We have sirens that go off if we are being attacked. That hasn't happened yet. We do practice though, just like your fire drills. When the attack warning sounds, we get into our protective gear. That consists of a flak vest, kevlar helmet, and our fighting load to include our weapons and ammo. I carry a 9MM pistol, but I also have access to an M16 rifle. Usually we go to an underground bunker to protect us from mortar attacks. Some of us also take up positions around the base for a perimeter defense against airfield attacks.

So far it has only been practice. The people in Bosnia have remained somewhat peaceful since we've been here. Hopefully it will remain that way even after we leave.

Well, I didn't mean to make it sound so bad over here. I thought you might be interested in some of the thing we do here. Take care and do good in school.

Chip :)

Patricia A. Weeg
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