Table Border Widths

Values in pixels are given to the border around a table. The default value of border is 1. BORDER=0 suppresses the border. A border width is displayed around the outside edge of a table and not the borders around the cells.

The BORDER attribute is added to the <TABLE> tag.

In this table the border=2.

Lunch Favorites
Grade Pizza Hamburger Spaghetti
Grade 4 15 5 5
Grade 5 13 9 6
Grade 6 10 11 5

In this table the border=10.

Lunch Favorites
Grade Pizza Hamburger Spaghetti
Grade 4 15 5 5
Grade 5 13 9 6
Grade 6 10 11 5

Here is the same table where BORDER=0.

Lunch Favorites
Grade Pizza Hamburger Spaghetti
Grade 4 15 5 5
Grade 5 13 9 6
Grade 6 10 11 5

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Patricia A. Weeg
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