Waiting for Benni

Benni's travel route

The Delmar students are preparing for Benni's arrival. We have located the cities he has visited on our wall map of the USA and we stretched yarn from city to city. Benni surely made a zig-zag across the USA! Our students braistormed alternate routes for Benni and gave reasons for their decisions. We also thought about the pros and cons of our place in line to receive Benni. We will see all of the contents from the other schools (the kids like this!) but we also have the most postage to pay to send Benni back to Iceland. A realistic math lesson... We are glad we will see Benni in the very near future and are most grateful to "Mama Bear" (Rosa) for doing this project.

Hmm... what will we put in his box.... hmmm.... The children are working on this now.

Warm bear hugs,

While waiting for Benni to arrive the Delmar students wrote in anticipation...

Dear Felicia,
Hi!! How are you? I am fine. My name is Cate. I have read your letter. Is Benni the Bear really cool? I was so excited when I heard that Benni the Bear. I think that he looks so cute. I am looking at his picture right now. How heavy is the box? Can you describe Iceland's flag? What kind of extra clothes did he have? Did he like the heat in Texas?


Dear Matt,
Hello my name is April. I'm 11 and a half years old. I'm in the 6th grade. I'm a girl. I cannot wait for Benni to come to our school. What kinds of things did you do with Benni? Did you take him anywhere?

I have to go to gym class now.


Dear Paola,
Hi! My name is Teena. At first I thought someone would bring Benni to us. He does not talk does he? What kind of clothes were in his box? Were they really small? What colors are on the Icelandic flag? I could not read a book in Icelandic. I can't wait till he comes to our school. I will be happy!!

Write Back Soon!

Yours truly,

Dear Stephanie,
Hi!! My name is Stephanie, too. How old are you? I'm 11. I read what you wrote about Benni the Bear. I am very excited about receiving Benni. Now that I read what you wrote I'm even more excited!:-) Can you give a description of what Benni looks like? My friend said that her brother did something like this before. It was a D.A.R.E. bear though. I agree that it was nice of people to buy things just for Benni. What did you mean when you said that you thought it was nice of classes in Iceland to send samples to other classes? I wonder what we are going to send to other people. We have been thinking about it but we haven't had a lot of ideas. I hope that you can answer some of my questions.

Stephanie :-)

Dear Will,
Hi!! My name is Stephanie. I agree with you. The project is a good idea. It is a good way to learn about other places around the world. What things did your class put in? Are you supposed to put in things about near where you live or around where you live? I think water from Lake Michigan was a good idea. Maybe we could put pictures of the ducks and geese that we have around here and put them in. We'll have to keep thinking!!


Dear Felicia,
Hello. My name is Caitlin. I am one of the many students at Delmar Elem. that is anxiously waiting for Benni to come. He will be here sometime in May. I was wondering if you could give me some ideas about what we can do with him when he gets here. Can you write back and give me some ideas??


Dear Corley,
Hello!! Our names are Hanvi and Ashley. We are from Delmar Elementary school. Ashley: I am 11 years old. I have 1 sister. Back to the subject. I am very excited that Benni is coming to our school. I have been in somthing like this before. They sent around a thing like a stuffed bear, and everyone has fun with it. Well, here is Hanvi: Hi!!!!! How are you? I can't wait till Benni comes. I really like teddy bears, I have about twenty bears at home! Well, that's all for now.

Hanvi+ Ashley

Dear Friends of Benni,
Hi!! How are you? We have been waiting patiently waiting for Benni to come to Delmar Elementary. We are marking down the places that Benni has been to on a map. We have been wondering what to put in Benni's box and wondering what has already been put in it. Benni is coming here to see us (Delmar Elementary School) May 12th through the 14th. Do you people who have seen Benni like to have a teddy bear traveling around the world and even visiting you ? I love the idea. We can't find that Mount Belview place. Could someone help us? Well, I have to go. Bye Bye!!
PS - Write Back Sincerely,

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